26. Revelations (2)

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Ignazio's POV

"One crazy family, I told you." She said and shrugged her shoulders.

"So you're saying that Ramona went behind your father's back and cheated on him with David?" I questioned, feeling completely lost.

It did not make any sense at all.

"Yes, she did." She simply answered.

"Does Silas know about it?"

"I think, he does now." She whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw the tattoo on Cornelius' neck that night. It's the same as my father's and my mother's. He insisted that I get a similar-looking one, too, but I refused. Anyways, that's how I figured that he was working for him. And that is why he sent him to get Marianne and Ebenezer. I think, he only wanted Marianne." She stated.

"And what about Cameron? His twin brother?" I inquired as I recalled her mentioning his accident.

"He was killed by my father, too. It was made to look like an accident. I had Braylon look into it and he found out that the car that hit Cameron's car was the one my father had bought for one of his employees a few months back. The plates matched. My father might think he can get away with anything but he's not as smart as he perceives himself to be."

I shook my head as I felt anger bubble in my chest, "Why would he even kill him? It does not make sense."

"That's exactly what I want to figure out, as well." She replied and placed her head back on my chest.

I started to run my fingers through her hair as we laid on the couch. Today was Saturday and I got free from work early so I decided to pay her a visit.

"Marianne was five when I brought her home and she was so skinny, almost malnourished. David was not a man of wealth so he couldn't afford to give her the lifestyle he deserved and finally contacted my mother when he has had enough. I was only ten back then but I heard her talking to him on the phone, telling him to go to hell with the mistake she made with him that night. Even at that age, I was a rebel. I convinced her to bring her home and she did. She hired a new maid and posed Marianne to be her daughter. It killed me to see my sister living in the servant quarters but I made sure to play with her and share my food." A small smile graced her lips as her eyes seemed to be reminiscing the old days.

"She was such a scared little girl, nothing compared to fireball you had known her to be." She said and shot me a playful glare.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead as she continued, "And when I turned eighteen, I moved out with her and the maid of course but I fired her and kept Marianne with me. I never planned to tell her but I grew fond of her over the passage of time. She was like me, in most aspects, always curious and a total rebel. I wonder what it would have felt like to tell her all of that myself." She sighed heavily at the end.

"She wanted to impress you, she looked up to you which means you did a great job bringing her up." I said as I stroked her hair.

"I know how much she wanted to impress me. She would go to practice on Fridays and Saturdays when the club remained close just so she could learn fast and hear me appreciate her."

A layer of tears gathered in her eyes and she cleared her throat before looking down and fiddling with the button of my shirt.

"Ellaria, she wouldn't want you blaming herself."

"Then who should I blame? I left her alone. I can never get her screams out of my head. She was calling for me." She broke down in tears.

I brought my other arm to wrap around her and let her cry until she finally pulled away to look up at me after a minute. Her face had completely turned red and her cheeks were stained with tears.

"I look like a mess, don't I?" She sniffed and asked.

I wiped my hand under her eyes and kissed her cheek, "A beautiful one at that."

She finally let out a small chuckle and my heart skipped a beat in joy at the splendid sight.

"Will it get better?" she asked all of a sudden.

"It always does." I said in reassurance.

She nodded her head, "I can't keep up with this life anymore."

"Because you're letting it get it to you."

"I am not fast enough." She said with a sad smile.

"It's not about the speed, it's about the path you choose for yourself. If you wanna get held on by this then it will get to you but if you choose to fight it and go down a different path, you'll eventually find your way out."

"Ever the wise." She teased.

"I try." I shrugged casually and she smiled.

"When are you going to tell Ebenezer?" I asked.

She fell quiet for a moment and then sighed, "I've been thinking about that, too. I don't wanna repeat the same mistake with him. He deserves to know that he's not adopted but he's my brother, my child."

"Do you think he sees me as his mom?" she asked looking up at me before I could reply to her previous statement.

My mind reeled back to the talk I had with him a few days ago.


"Raf, do you think that Zoe will like it if I call her mom?" Ebenezer asked and my head whipped in his direction because of shock.

"I mean, I know I am adopted but she's been looking after me so well and even calls me her baby." He added as he chewed on the toast.

I cleared my throat and answered, "Well, I think she will be ecstatic if you call her that."

"REALLY?!" he asked and his eyes light up in excitement.


"Okay, I think I should talk to her." He nodded to himself making me chuckle.

He was too mature for his age.

"And if you marry Zoe then will you become my dad?" he asked innocently.

My heart soared at his harmless question and curious eyes as he stared at me expectantly.

"If that happens in the future, I would love to." I replied truthfully and he grins widely at me before hugging my waist.

End of Flashback

"I think, he does." I told her confidently.

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