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The wind blew making her hair fly in all directions, alluringly.

The sun shone directly on his face, enhancing the Hazel colored pools that his eyes were.

She is beautiful, is an understatement.

He is hypnotizing, is an understatement.

Her beauty is bewitching.

His looks are heart-throbbing.

She is too good to be mine.

He is bad for the heart.


"Your eyes speak mio caro, they seek for danger." I commented.
Here face remains impassive and it irks me to no length because God knows I would trade anything to get even a glimpse of what goes on in that pretty little head of hers.


"I'm a painter with only one color on my pallette. Red. I paint people with their own blood. I'm made of it. Blood. I shed it, squeeze it out, make it bad, turn it into poison until it very slowly fills their arteries and leaves through their mouth. I admire my masterpiece till it draws it's last breath. And you know the thing about blood? It splashes, tainting the ones standing too close."

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