13. Office Work

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"I have the power to destroy you and I will." Ignazio threatened the man in a grey suit standing in front of him.

The man appeared to be in his early thirties and was shook. From where I was standing, I could only see his side pose and he looked deathly pale. 

"Steal from me again, I fucking dare. I will destroy your family in a matter of seconds. Now, get out and don't show me your face again." Ignazio spat dismissing him.

The man turned around and our eyes connected. He had blonde hair with rich brown eyes and flushed skin. He was eyeing me up and down. I was sporting a yellow sweater with black skin-fit leggings and black ankle boots. My stare, I realized, was making him more queasy so he fidgeted a little before hurrying past me.

 My stare, I realized, was making him more queasy so he fidgeted a little before hurrying past me

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"Mr. Moretti." I greeted the man behind the desk who seemed to be busy typing away on his laptop.

"Ms. Ambrose." he nodded curtly still looking at the screen.

"Don't call me that, please. Ellaria will do just fine." I spoke confidently.

He finally looked up and his hazel eyes took me in from head to toe before he opened his mouth, "Okay, Ellaria. On one condition though, you have to call me by my first name too."

"I can't. You are my boss." I reasoned.

He just shook his head and sighed, "Okay then Ms. Ambrose, what brings you here?" 

I masked my irritation and stepped closer to his office desk. His office was made of glass walls, you could see the city and busy roads from every angle. His floor was wooden and a deep brown colored desk was placed in the center with a black office chair. On the right side were three cream colored couches with a glass table. All in all, it was simple yet classy. 

"I came here so you could show me how things go around here. I haven't been exactly... well... from the past three days hence my absence. I hope you'll excuse me for it." I said and cleared my throat.

His typing  ceased once again and he looked up at me, "You're excused." he said.

"And, my assistant, Joshua, will show you around and tell you how things work here. I need you as my financial adviser which includes managing accounts as well. To be honest, I don't trust anyone else to do that." he continued.

"And you fired that guy because he stole from you and I am assuming your previous accountant did not inform you?" I asked pointing towards the fogged glass doors.

"Why did you say previous?" he asked tilting his head to the left side.

"You fired her, didn't you?" I asked raising my brows.

He nodded with a small smirk.

"Alright then, I better get familiar with this place since I will be coming here a lot." I said looking out the window opposite to me.

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