30. One After One

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Ignazio's POV:

"Your what?!" I asked in shock.

"Wife." He answered and I studied his eyes to see them empty.

"Why would your wife do such a thing? Doesn't she know Ellaria?" I questioned, cautiously.

"She does." He replied and turned his head towards the scared man.

"Go home and don't come back here until I tell you to. Your family will be given protection. And after I'm done figuring out this bloody shit of a mess I'm in, I might question where your loyalty lies, Alvaro."

"B-boss, I am loyal to you." He whimpered.

"That's why you didn't call me the moment she left from here."

"She's your wife, boss." He reasoned.

"Not anymore." He whispered to himself and walked out of there.

Damien and I quietly followed behind Braylon who was now awfully quiet.

"I want to meet Ellaria." He uttered.

"Come with us." I said and we got in our cars before going back to the house.

Twenty minutes later, we were back at our house and I took Braylon towards the infirmary.

"Adelaide." I called the doctor, announcing my presence.

She was standing next to Ellaria's bed with a clipboard in her hand as she wrote something on it.

"Capo." She greeted with a nod.

"How's she doing?" I inquired, my gaze transfixed at the fragile woman who lay unconscious on the bed and my heart squeezed at her state.

She looked pale and worn out as compared to the woman who was fighting with me just two days ago with all her might.

"Her vitals are thankfully stable and if she continues to show improvement at this pace, we might remove the breathing tube in a day or two. Her injuries are pretty bad and to be very honest with you, capo, I am amazed that she's not paralyzed given the immense impact."

My jaw ticked and I pinned her with a harsh glare and she awkwardly cleared her throat, "I-I mean that it is miraculous. She'll recover fully in about three weeks tops."

"When will she wake up?"

"Hopefully, soon."

"Get out." I dismissed her and she nodded her head once before leaving Braylon and I alone.

Braylon walked up to her and sat down on the chair next to her bed before he grabbed her limp hand in between his both.

"I need you." That's all he whispered before he rested his forehead on their hands.

I left the room with one last look at Ellaria to give them privacy and closed the door behind me.

"RAF!" Ebenezer shouted and jumped on me.

I picked him up in my arms and brought his head closer to my chest as he snuggled in my shirt.

"Hey, champ." I kissed his head.

"Raf, when will she be okay?" He asked with tearful eyes.

"Soon, the doctor said she's healing quickly. It's magic."

"M-magic?" he sniffed.

I nodded my head, "Yes, your mommy is special."

"I was going to tell her that day. I-I even called her." He told me and hiccupped.

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