~Authors note and sorry~

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So.. how are you...?

Im Sorry but I won't be finishing this book, and if some miracle happens and I began writing it again, I will be rewriting it first but, besides the point. I will not be continuing this book, like I already stated. If anyone would like to, you can finish it for me or use it as a prompt. whatever you'd like.

I will not be deleting the book off of my account if someone does claim it as, I would like to sometmes go back and reread the crap I wrote.

I don't know if anyone could tell... (you probably could) I have fallen out of the Sanders sides fandom. Who knows when, and even if I return.

But, like I said, I will keep this book up, people can use it as a prompt, story starter, ECT. Whatever you would like. I do not need credit (unless you are going to use the cover... that is my original art •<•) You can even use it for finding friends! (despite how many people actually read it) You use this book however you'd like

I'd just like to refrain from rude behavior. If you are doing it in a friendly way however, please state.

Welp. Goodbye Sanders side fandom. Thank you for having me. I enjoyed my time here and the lovely people I was able to see. ♥ I will miss you all. please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

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A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now