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        After a while of searching,  Anx finally found the principal's office so he could receive his schedule. Once he was there at the door, he froze before knocking…

 Ugh… Come on! You need to get your schedule! If you don’t… you won’t even know what class you take!... And I will get in so much trouble... 

Anx begins reaching for the doorknob Turning it, he becomes a tad bit anxious… As he turns the doorknob, his anxiety rises…. Not wanting his principal to hate him and be homophobic is his only thoughts… He pushed the door so then he won’t have to deal with the anxiety and so then he could get it over with…

 Alright…. So…. I can already tell…. That they are not homophobic…… MIgHt Be QUeStIonIng On WhAt I MeaN! Well… The room has a couple of the pride flags with both what the flag is and a quote… Wow…. ALrIgTy… Not much to worry about… I hope…. Anyways… well, I don't see the principal at this current moment so, I guess, that I can wait…. 

After about.. 5 minutes of waiting and being anxious, the office door opened again.. really was banged open and the person who walked in was a tad bit shorter than Anx, like, a couple of inches, probably... 

“Oh, well hello!” The, who I presume to be the principal, said. Well shit… Anx is beginning to become anxious…. “W-well… H-hello… I am n- new here and…-’’ “Oh~! The new kid, Virgil, was your name? Correct?” they said.“Y-yes” “Oh~ I’m assuming that you are here for your schedule?” “Yes” “Alrighty! Let me get it.” 

The principal went over to their desk and picked up a sheet of paper, then went to a pile of rectangularly cut pieces of paper. After grabbing both pieces of paper, the Principal turned around….

 “Here, Your schedule and your locker number and combination.” “ Th-Thank you” “No problem! By the way, If you were curious, You can call me Leo, or Myth!” “Thank you!” “No problem kid” After that, I walked out of the office, I began walking to my homeroom class.

While I was walking, some people came rushing past him and knocked me down to the ground. ‘Rude…’ was what I thought when the dicks knocked me to the ground. Bad part is that when I fell, I also dropped all of my things and belongings so, it was a mess…. Yeah… I know…

As soon as I realized that my stuff fell, I immediately bent down and began gathering my things as fast as I possibly could. After a couple of seconds, I had realized that someone was helping me gather all of my things. I looked up to discover a young male, a year or two older than me probably. The boy was what seemed to be 5’2”. I couldn’t tell.. He had light brown, or dirty blond hair, same with his eyes. He also had freckles. He was wearing a sky blue shirt and a jacket around his shoulders. He also was wearing light yellowish jeans.

The boy was helping me gather all of my belongings so he was on his knees… At Least…  That is what it looks like….

Once done, the boy handed me my belongings with a smile… A very… warm one... “Here ya go, kiddo!♡”  the boy said. “T-thanks” I replied… I honestly thought he was going to do something…. Turns out he was really just helping me….

I then took notice of the fact that he wasn’t walking away like most people would do when they saw or helped me…

He then spoke again… “Hey… Quick question kiddo…. Are you new here? I haven’t seen anyone like you around so…. Imma take it as you are new here.” the dude said…. Wow… is it that obvious…? “I-is it that o-obvious…?” I asked…. What? I really need to know! Don’t judge me!!!

“Well… It actually isn’t obvious. It's just, I know everyone in this school so I know when there is a new student!” WhaT???? Pardon!?!?!? “Wh-what? Is that a superpower you have?” The dude giggled a bit and then said, “no… Though I act like it is!” the dude said.

“Oh, right! I forgot to say my name! My name is Patton!” Patton said…. WElL socIaL IntEracTiOns ArE KilLiNG Me….. Welp… Might as well continue with the conversation…. Kill me please…. “C-call me Anxi” I said to respond to him.

“Hmm, so you are new to this school… Well then! I give you a warm welcome to our school!” (A/N: I don’t have a name for it just yet…) “Can I see your schedule? I-If you already have it, that is…” Pat said. “I already have it… “ I responded. “Oh! Well, can I see it? I wanna see if you have any classes with me. I don’t want anyone new to be alone, even on the first day!” Pat said….

I am now getting the vibe that he is someone that everyone gets along with… I thanked Pat. I then gave him my schedule. Turns out, me and him have a lot of classes together… Ok, at least he seems nice so I hope I won’t have a problem with him. Patton look happy at that fact…

“Hey Anxi, I can show you to class if you would like it.” Patton said. “PLEASE!” I replied. After Patton let out some giggles, he went and grabbed my hand and proceed to show me to our classroom. Ok, saying this right now, Patton is a sweetheart. Before Patton got to the classroom though, I guess that he remembered that I haven’t went to my dorm yet and I haven’t set my belongings down so I was walking around with all of my things.

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now