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Anyways, once we were back in the dorms, Pat told me that their roommates, besides Logan and Roman were coming back. Pat then feeled me on why... So....

Apparently, the Logan dude is on a 'field trip' and that he won't be back for a couple more days and then that Roman dude was basically a drama king and asked the drama teacher if he could be in all of the plays.... Surprisingly, the teacher agreed with it saying that 'now they have one less person to find to play a part in any drama. So, yeah... Pat said that Princy would come back for a bit but then leave for another trip. Patton then told me that he won't be here the day after tomorrow...

So that is why he wanted to go ahead and do the school tour... Pat then told me that his reason is because there would be a field trip to a zoo and Pat said that he couldn't miss the opportunity to see all sorts of 'cuddly' animals...

Great... So tomorrow... I will be stuck with Snake... Not to mention also with people that I have no info about... Trashman, Coffee, and Cartoon lover.... I am going to die.... Purfect.... What a great way to reunite with family~.... By the way, I am talking about snake... Not anyone else. I don't even know them to begin with, nor the ones on a 'field trip'..

Anyways, Pat then asked if I would like to introduce myself to the others. I gave him a glare then began backing up towards my room. Surprisingly, I didn't fall nor trip over something.

Once I was in my room, I shut the door and locked it. No, I didn't slam it like some people would do. I then turned around to see Shadow back in the room... With fish..... In their mouth... AND THEY ARE ON MY BED EATING THAT SHIT!!

I run towards Shadow to try and get them off the bed but they just jump up, dodge, and sit back down on the bed... *Anger intensifies* I don't even know what to do right now... I then hear the dorm door open and then footsteps. After the footsteps stop, I hear the dorm door close.

I then hear Pat say "Heya Janus and Remus!". To be honest... I kinda forgot that trashman was called Remus....

Anyways, I then hear a voice that I don't recognize and believe to be Remus's voice say, "Why, Hiya Pat!" And then another voice that sounds kinda like a deeper version of the voice of Deceit that I remember just grunt.

They begin having a chat as Patton introduces me while I am still inside my room. I don't understand why Patton won't just say that they have a new roommate instead of introducing me while I am not out there.

They continued talking until I heard the door open and the person that just walked in say, "Heya Pat, Dee, and Ree! How are y'all doing on this great day?". Pat replied with "Purrfect, Emi!". Deceit didn't say anything and Remus said "It's a good day to suck di-" and then I heard something like someone punching something then a thud.

I wonder what Remus was going to say in order to be hit like that.

Emile then asked "What were you guys talking about before I walked in?" and Pat answered with the following, "Oh, we have a new student at school and he was assigned to our dorm." Yadda yadda yadda...

They began talking and I guess that Dee and Ree basically left cause, either A, they just aren't speaking or B, they left.

The dude, Emile, then asked "Hey Pat? Can I meet our new roommate, Anxi?". Patton luckily said no and told Emile that I asked to not be introduced... Though Pat already broke that rule....

After a bit, the dorm door opened again and someone immediately began singing disney songs... Imma take it that Princy is here.... I think his name was Roman... Or was it Ramen.... I don't know...

Patton immediately said hi to 'prince dude' and Roman greeted Patton with a 'Hey'. Patton then informed Princy about basically me being the new roommate. Princy then asked Pat this question, "If he is our roommate then, where is he? He would have introduced himself, yes? So where is he?"

....I am beginning to not like princy already... Pat then replied with "well, he asked me to not be introduced and right now he is probably in his room. Please do not bother him Roman. I don't want him to be forced to come out without his will.".

I then hear Roman begin storming towards my room... I then heard him stop, but right before he stopped, he sounded to be right outside my room... I then heard a pair of feet begin walking over and as soon as I heard that, I heard Patton say "Roman, please stop! I don't want Anxi to be out of his comfort zone on his first day here!" to which Roman replied with "Well, if he wanted that then he would've introduced himself to us to get it over with.".

Once Princy said that, anxiety began rising in me as I heard my doorknob began twisting... I whispered for Shadow to get out as the doorknob slowly turned.... In a very creepy way.......

That was when a dude basically banged down the dorm door basically being knocked down as someone screamed "What up Bitches! Everyone's favorite caffeine addict is here to ruin the party!" said the newcomer...

I could tell that the sudden surprise startled princy cause I then heard a LOUD thud and somehow knew that it wasn't the door falling towards the ground. I then hear Pat yell "LAnGuaGe also, Hi Remy!" Then the Newcomer called 'Remy' said 'Hey' to Pat and asked why Roman was near the extra room and that is when Pat had to explain the fourth time.

Once Pat was finished, I decide to peek out of my room and what I found was kinda funny.. 2 dudes, One with brownish-red hair that was at ear length though looked to be gelled down had green eyes, his skin tone was olive. He looked to be very muscular and tall... I hate it... Anyways, he was wearing the school's football jacket, I presume, with light blue jeans. He kinda hot, ngl.

The other dude, who I presume to be Remy, had coco hair, also at ears length and his eye color, I have no idea cause, he is wearing sunglasses for some unidentified reason. He was wearing a black leather jacket and underneath it was a white crop top. He was wearing short jeans that were ripped for unknown reasons.... He was also wearing black high heeled boots....

Ok, what was funny was the Remy dude was dragging prince nosy away from my door. I then looked to the right of me to see Pat holding a coffee.... I presume was Remy's......

A/N: I would like to thank all of you beautiful hoomans! This book is almost at 500 reads and, that gives me more hope and courage to try and finish it! Though this is only the 5th chapter... I still would like to thank all of y'all! Also, I am NOT sorry for making V. think Ro's name was Ramen.... Deal with that....

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now