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“So~ Anxi, once the day is over, and after school tomorrow, do you wanna grab some coffee?” Patton asked. Ehh i don’t like it when people ask me that! I don't have a problem with the question, I just have a problem with the response that I say…. See, cats can’t drink coffee…. And since I am part cat, Though, I am basically dead so nothing should happen to the point that I could risk death…… That doesn’t really make sense but… JUST AGREE WITH ME PLEASE! Though, in all seriousness, I don’t really like it

…. I remember this one time when I was young, My mother gave me coffee while my father was literally begging her to not cause, I guess that he either knew about what would happen if a cat drank too much caffeine or the fact that he didn’t want me to be basically going crazy, which I did! Kinda…. As soon as I tasted it, my face, I guess I looked like I was betrayed cause, they both began laughing… that was one of the only wholesome moments that we had…

A-anyways~! “Um… How about instead, we get sweets? I don’t really like coffee that much….” I state. Patton then said something about me and a dude named ‘Remy’ not at all going to get along. I decided to ask who this ‘Remy’ dude was, though it really is none of my business… “Oh~ Remy is one of our many roommates~!” Patton said……………………..wait……….

“ONE OF MANY?!?!” I asked/yelled/screeched. “Yeah!” Pat said... UGH…… I feel like I'm about to pass out….. Don’t tell me that i am going to have to speak to ALL of them! Speaking of which, there better not be that many in the first place!

“Oh, whoopsie….. I kinda guessed that the principal forgot to tell you that…. Well, in each gender spectrum, there is at least one dorm that holds multiple people that hold almost nothing in common. The most someone can be is being your physical twin and yall being polar opposites. Like one having an ice cold personality and the other twin having a warm personality, or devil and angel personalities. It is actually kinda funny cause, we have one of those in our dorm! A-anyways, there can be as many people as there are rooms in a dorm like this! And trust me, there can be a lot of people… Anyways~ Would you like me to tell you who is in the dorm and what they are like?” Patton asked.

I NEED THIS! “YES PLEASE!” I whisper-scream. Patton then proceeds to inform me about all of the roommates. (A/N: I swear, if I hear a ‘and they were roommates’ vine I will scream…)

So, we have Patton, a cheerful bubbly social butterfly, Logan: basically, a nerd, Roman: A price literally out of a disney movie, Remy: a coffeeholic, sassy dude that I am pretty sure, If he would tweet what he eats, all of his tweets would only be about coffee. Emile Picani: Someone who I am pretty sure binwatches cartoons with that Roman guy, specifically disney movies. Remus: A trashman…. I honestly kinda think, from what Pat says about him, that he used to be a normal kid but was kidnapped by scientists and was infused with either racoon blood or rat blood… probably even both..... And then, one that surprised me was the name “Janus”... So….. anyways, Janus: A lying bitch.. Patton’s words, not mine!! Also, way too sarcastic for his own good… We also have a teacher who is also our roommate, I was surprised at first till I heard the reason…. Not really family friendly but ok… Anyways, Thomas: our teach-mate who is also here so then if one of us gets sick, we can’t skip our school work…. THEY HAVE FREAKING CAMERAS IN HERE, WTF!! CREEPY BULLSHIT!!!

Patton then asked if I’d prefer a certain type of room. I tell him no but, not to give me one so cramped that I feel like Harry Potter. Pat giggled at that. Anyways, Pat then picked Shadow up off of me and left, walking towards one of the rooms.

I was kinda scared a bit and thought that there were either our roommates in there or a window and that they would basically kidnap Shadow… Not like Pat already stole them from me TmT…. Anyways, after a bit, Pat came back with empty hands and grabbed my things and dragged them towards what I presume to be my room.

He literally was dragged them.

I decided that I wanted to help so I asked. “Yo, Patton?” I asked. All I got from him while he was struggling was a ‘hmm’. “Do you want any help? I can help if you need or want any…” As soon as I said that, Pat gave me the most scariest glare….

The fact that he can make a scary face in the first place already freaks me out but, with that glare? I am terrified…..

Anyways… I can tell that Pat doesn’t want any help… Scary…. A little later, after he managed to drag my things to my room, He then grabs me by the wrist and drags ME to my room…. (A/N: My creativity has died so just imagine what the room looks like for now…. Same with the school in general…)

I looked at the room and thought ‘I could remodel it later…’ Patton then says “Heya, Kiddo? So we don’t have to do this tomorrow, I can show you around the school so then you don’t get lost.” And, Fucking obviously, I agreed.

 Once our tour was over, we headed back towards the dorms. By the way, Before I left, I opened my window and let Shadow fly out. I can tell that while we were doing the outside part of the tour, people were staring at us from the classroom windows. Kinda scared me when I realized that but, I ended up having to ignore it.

Useless Author's note:
    After possibly MONTHS of not realizing it, I finally changed Deceit into Janus in paragraph 7... End me please-

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now