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While we were basically running towards our classroom, Patton almost tripped multiple times. Surprisingly, he did not fall at all.

Once at the classroom, Pat dragged me to a seat next to him that was kinda in the middle left of the classroom… I got a corner seat! And I am really happy about that cause, it is also next to a classroom window!

I am not going to be paying attention to the teacher now that I have a window!...

Probably. After like, 5 minutes our teacher came into the classroom. (Insert Thomas Sanders as teacher)

He walked in and then sat in his chair then I heard people begin chatting. Mr. Sanders then said “Alright class, we are doing the usual! Nothing! Do what you want while I watch… An iMpoRtANt VidEo! And do ImpOrtAnT thIngS”.

And then he pulled out his laptop. Patton turned to me with a smile.

He said “So, I want to get to know you more Anxi! Can I though, is my question to you.”. “Yeah, sure Patton! Just, if there is a question that I prefer not to answer, I am able to pass it.” because there are a lot of things I don’t want someone that I met yesterday to know.

*V-Italics P-Underline*

 “Ok, so~ What are your favorite colors?
 Uhh, ok. Purple and black. 
December 19. 
Favorite animal? 
Uhhhh… Is hybrid an answer?
 Yes, it is an answer.
Uhh, What is underneath that patch of hair that is covering your other eye? 
Ok.. Uhh...What got you wanting to go to college?
Ok… Can you tell me if Anxi is your real name at least?
 Sure as long as you don’t tell anyone…I could even tell you my real name…
 I promise to you, I will keep my lips zipped!
 Well… My real name is V-” 

Just before I could finish, the bell rang. Short class… NOT COMPLAINING THOUGH!!

Patton then looked at me with sad eyes… We didn’t have the next class together… We shared each other's sadness for a bit until we actually needed to go to our next classes.

“Talk to you later kiddo!” Patton said as he began leaving to go to his next class. “Yeah, cya later” And with that, Patton was gone.

I gathered my things and began my walk to my other classroom myself.

Once there, surprisingly I came a bit earlier on time and actually knew where it was, I went to the back of the room and sat down in the corner.on

I watched as more people came into the classroom. Then the teacher, who introduced themself.

They told me to call them Talyn. Just Talyn. The teacher taught while some students talked or did whatever they were doing.me

The teach got onto a couple of students from time to time. It was boring… Bleh…….

Imma listen to music on my phone now.

The teach continues talking until the bell rings…

I immediately got up and began walking towards the door. A kid tried tripping me but I was used to it, so I managed to dodge it.

I continued walking till I was out of the classroom. I find Patton out there with 2 males… Pat turns to me and tackles me in a hug, which I accept.

After the hug, one of the dudes asked who I am. He was one of the dudes who I managed to see yesterday… I believe Remy, was his name?

Pat turns to Remy and says “His name is Anxi, that is the name that he wishes to be called!” to which the other asks why.

He had Brown eyes, Brown hair that had a streak that was dyed pink, a light brown sweater with a pink tie, and brown jeans.  My anxiety is beginning to kick in….

I don’t answer for a bit but instead look down at the ground… Ehh… “I-I prefer to be called Anxi at this time… M-Most people make fun of my real n-name… So I don’t tell anyone until I know that no matter what, they will see me for who I am and not by a name or a title..” I said.

“Oh~.. Now I am more curious though…” said the one whose name I don't know. “Anyways, I am Emile Picani! But you can call me just Emile!” said the dude who I now know them as Emile.

I think that he is one of our roommates but, I don’t know… He extends his hand for a handshake to which I hesitantly accept.

Once he let go, he turned to Patton and asked how we met. Wait, isn’t that a question someone should ask when two people are like, best buds?

Patton answers that question with “We accidentally ran into each other! He was knocked down by students who were passing by and all of his things fell. I decided to help and that is the story of how we met.” and it kinda sounds like one of those romance stories where the main character meets their love interest by dropping all of their things…

Anyways, Remy said “So~ Hon, I heard you two were going to a café later…” Pat replied with a ‘yep’. “So~ Can I join you two on y'alls coffee date?” Pat immediately replied with yes… Uhh… Ok…. Another hooman being that I don’t know entirely…

Wait… Yesterday.. Patton said something about me and him not getting along… Oh crud…. Remy then grabbed Emile’s shoulder and said “You are coming too, babe”.. I wonder if these two are dating..? “Oh, by the way kiddo, This is Remy. He talks like that so get used to it before it is too late” Patton said….

Ok, so that probably answers my question… But it also might not… I wonder if he is polyamorous seeing as he mostly calls his friends that.. At least that is what I assume… Yet again I don’t even know him…

Patton then grabs me by my hand and says “Alrighty, I will see you guys at lunch! Me and Anxi have the same classes so we will be going now!” and then began walking off. Rem and Em both said at the same time “Bye, see you guys in a bit!” and then we were out of sound length to hear them.

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now