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Time skip to later, at lunch, Pat grabbed my hand as soon as I was done getting my things together and he began RUNNING to the cafe. I ALMOST dropped my things while he was running.

Once we were at the cafe, I saw Rem and Em standing outside of the cafe waiting for us. Remy said “WHAT UP BITCHES!? Finally, you two are here! I was getting bored!” and when he said ‘Bitches’, Patton's face went blank then went murderous…

I backed up a bit so I won’t get murdered, which I know won’t happen but…. Just in case… I am still going to back up…

Patton immediately begins lecturing Remy for cursing while Remy is just smiling.. Rem ends up saying “Sorry hon, you know how I am and I can’t help it~... Anyways, COFFEE TIME!” and then runs into the cafe…

I-is remy ok?.... Cause, he already had a cup of coffee in his hands….. Is he….. Wait… Pat said he was a coffeeholic before…. OH~ That explains it!

Emile went in after Remy and then Pat grabbed my hand and dragged me in there…

The cafe had cats walking around with trays tied to their backs by a bow.. (A/N: Yes, I remember that Pat is allergic but, he will suffer for the sake of cats) 

Patton looked happy about the cats and I noticed that they were the only things he had his eyes on. A waiter came and noticed this then said, “You can pet them if you wish” which made Pat immediately lie down and begin petting as many cats that he could get his hands on…

Now I am worried about when he will probably find out about me being a Nekomata…

The waiter got us to a table and…. REMY TRIED TO ORDER A THOUSAND COFFEES!! Luckily, he was only able to get 2. He was sad.

Emile just ordered a normal latte. Pat ordered tea and I ordered a strawberry boba. Remy looked kinda offended when I said that…

“Why didn’t you get coffee?” Remy said.. “Well, you see.. I don’t like it… Not to mention, I get sick afterwards… So, nessecerally, I cannot have coffee for ‘unknown’ reasons” I replied.

His face looked more like he was offended, he even did that “Pardon?!’ jester with his hand. Emile then said “Welp…. I think you kinda broke him” as Remy puts his head on the table to, what I presume, question existence.

Pat and Em both began giggling at Rem. I held mine in though. “HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE COFFEE?? ARE YOU HUMAN?!” Remy asked…..

WeLl I am not human… but ok..

“Uhh… I said that I get sick after I drink coffee… Not to be rude or anything but… Did you not hear me when I said that….?” and then thud.. Remy dropped his head back onto the table, making Em and Pat to laugh…. I faintly giggled.

This dude's reaction is actually pretty funny when someone doesn’t like coffee. Em then said “So~ Where is your dorm?” to which I looked at Patton..

I guess he wanted to say so I nodded. Patton then told them that I was their new roommate. Remy then looked at me and said “Hmm…. So~ Did you hear Roman when he was trying to enter your room? Or were you out of the dorm at that time?” to which Pat replied with me actually being in my room.

“I was awake and.. May or may not have been peeking out of the room and watching~” I said which made everyone laugh. “W-Wait, So you saw me dragging Roman away?” Remy said.

I nodded with a smile as a response. “GOOD! Now I am proven from a bystander to be stronger than him!” Remy screeched…

“Wait, are you two enemies? Or is that just how your friendship with him goes?” I asked. “*Inhale* Hon. We kind of are friends but that is only because of Patton and Emile being able to calm us down before we are at each other's throats. So I would say, we are mega enemies towards one another. Not to mention, Pat does NOT tolerate fighting at all.” Remy finished.

Oh~ “Okie~ So like frienemies but more enemy then friend?” I asked and he replied with “Yes babe”.. I will not ever get used to this…. Help me please… I can feel myself blushing right now…

I lie my head down on the table letting out a grunt. I then feel someone patting my head to find it being Patton. “Yeah.. His way of talking will need getting used to” to which I mumble “Yeah… And it will probably take me years to get used to… I can already tell…”.

Patton began petting me to which I quietly purred which he did not hear. However…. The cats did hear and began climbing on me… Cats on the back of my head. Cats on my shoulders. Cats somehow on my back. Cats on my lap. And cats near my feet, resting against my legs, purring. Basically, I was covered with cats…

I hear Remy, Patton and Emile all begin laughing while trying to get the cats off of me. The cats just hiss at them and claw at them. Some of the workers ended up coming to try and help but that didn’t work either.

I stucc… Not really but I don't wanna get up right now…

Patton began sneezing and I heard Emile say that he needed to get out of there but Pat refused.. I guess he is allergic to cats…

Hmm… Remy then said “Hey, Anxi? We are about to go. Sorry for your soul being consumed by cats. You will be missed”. I am already dead though….

“Alright… Hold on” I then hissed and all the cats ran off of me… I don’t know why but, I can basically make them either love me or hate me by purring or hissing. I think it has something to do with the cat language..

I then stood up and walked next to Remy. “Ok honey. That was quick~!” to which I smile at while blushing a bit.

Yesh. We walked out and I saw a teary eyed Patton trying to hold a sneeze while rubbing his neck which I presume to be itchy and Emile kinda giving Patton a lecture about him getting too close to cats.

He really is allergic to cats.

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now