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We begin walking back to the dorm so then Pat could get an antihistamine, and not be suffering this much. We get to the dorm and nobody is there… At least, that is what it looks like.

We walk in and I go to my room to check on Shadow. Patton is about to leave in a bit for the field trip to the zoo. I hope he takes his antihistamine with him… I don’t want him to pass out. Hopefully, the one he takes now will last until he comes back later.

I unlock my door and see that they aren't in the room so I walk out and then just shut it. I walk down the hall and see Patton lying on the couch, his face red. Remy and Emile were sitting beside him.

Emile is still lecturing him about caring for himself no matter what and Remy just scrolling through something on his phone. Patton then said after a bit of Em’s rant, “I wanna pet a cat though… Without my allergies acting up..” And then looked at me with pleading eyes….

I read that as he wants to pet Shadow….. I shake my head no and his face begins pleading silently… I make a motion to Emile and Remy trying to tell Patton that they don’t know about Shadow so I can’t bring them out.

Plus I don’t know if they will allow a hybrid to be near them. Patton then looks at the both of them. And I know he is about to ask them if they are alright with hybrids… And… He does…

“Hey Remy… Emile…. What if someone owned a hybrid animal…. Would you guys be alright with that?” is what he asks…. They both say something similar to not really caring and how mad they are at the fact that they are illegal in the first place… I sighed…

“Well….. I may or may not have a hybrid called ‘Shadow’ as a pet…” I said… They both turn to me with smiles on their faces… Emile was the first to say something…. “So~ Where are they….. I wanna pet a hybrid!” and Remy agreed with him… Welp…. Fun part is, if Shadow is not in my room…. Is finding them…

Luckily, when I walked into my room, Shadow was there, lying on the bed looking at me dead in the eyes…

Trying to stare into my non-existent soul… I walk over to them and then pick them up.

They began squirming due to them not liking being picked up… Yet again, who would?  Besides children seeking attention from their parents…

I walk out of my room and walk down the hall to see all three of them staring at me and Shadow… Specifically Shadow.

Patton then said “Gemmi'' and made grabby hands at Shadow, kinda like a child. I hand Shadow over to him and Patton cuddles them.

Emile then noticed that Shadow looked more like a cat then something else, so he asked me “W-wait… Is Shadow part cat….?” which I nod to but before he began freaking out I said “But they are also part demon, so them not nessecerally being alive, it prevents his allergies from affecting him! Not to mention, that is only a half of what they are… They are also part wolf and dragon” I explained.

Patton’s face looked kinda shocked… “Wait…. Roman doesn’t really like dragons…… If he finds out… He will try to fight Shadow” Patton said in a worried voice.. To which I giggle at..

I cover my mouth to try and quiet my giggles a bit. “See, I could easily say that they are not a dragon but, If princy finds out, trust me…. Shadow will win the fight…” I reassured him after a bit of time.

After a bit of time (again)… Patton had to leave and we had to go to our next classes.

I put Shadow back into my room and locked the door behind me. Once the school day was over, I walked into the dorm and immediately went to my room and dropped everything, cleared my face and fell onto my bed…

I didn’t let my wings nor tails stretch yesterday and the pain from not doing so comes out of nowhere and hits me like a bullet. Oww…..

I yeet my jacket off of me, along with my shirt and ran to change into shorts. Once I was done, I laid down on my stomach and spread my wings out. Not enough to where they could knock things over but enough to where I could still stretch them... Not like that could happen anyways….

My wings aren't even that big…. They are like, 5 ft in total? Or maybe a bit more… Or was it less?... I don’t know.

After, like, 5 minutes of stretching them, I get up and lock my door… Luckily, no one even thought about coming in here in the first place.

I lay back down as Shadow comes in through the window. I grabbed my phone and began watching youtube videos, specifically, calm animations cause, why not?

After a bit of time, I heard someone knock on my door… Welp… I need to put some clothes on before some shit happens..

I rush to do a spell that I learned in hell to hide my creature features and then I whisper for Shadow to go. I then put on a sweater and walked to my door and slightly opened it.

I see that it is the Prince dude… 'Shit'… I already cleared my face of my make up... I quickly put a hand over my face so he won’t see my freckles.

I then asked “What do you need?” which, I guess he didn’t expect me to actually answer the door… Basically, what I am saying is, he screeched and backed up a bit then looked at me..

I managed to hold in laughter through all of that! Once he was done being scared, he looked at me and stood up straight… He also dusted non-existing dirt or dust off of him.

Author's note,

After the next chapter, The uploaded will stop. Basically, I will go on a hiatus for a bit. I will still be doing this book from time to time but, not every week.
Also, we about to be at 1,000 reads!! WOOH!♥ LOVE Y'ALL! Cya beautiful humans!

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