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Sorry for not being alive.... I was dead -w-

Once we went to OUR dorm… By the way, I figured out that me and him share  the same dorm…. I figured this out because, as soon as I gave him my dorm number and gave him enough time to read it, he looked at me and said, “We have the same dorm room! C’mon! Lets hurry up!” and then he grabbed my hand and ran to our dorm.

Anyways, once we were in the dorm, I dropped all of my stuff and almost fell. What? I was tired!! Once I did so, Patton looked at me and giggled a bit. I then heard a faint meow… SHIT SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT SHADOW!!

But… Patton might not accept animals… Or… He might be allergic… well…. I won’t know until I ask…. “H-hey Patton? I have a question….” I asked…. “What is it kiddo?”Patton replied… “W-well…. I was wondering….. If there was a possible way of someone owning an animal that is a hybrid…. Will you be ok with that?......” I asked….

“OH. MY. GOD!! If I see one I would kill for it! Any animal…. Besides ‘creepy crawly death dealers’…. Are animals that I love! I would love to own a hybrid animal!! If they weren't illegal… UGH! Why do hybrid animals have to be illegal?!?! And when you are able to get one, very expensive?!” Patton said…. Hmm…. I wonder if he is allergic to  cats…Oh well… Shadow is a hybrid so I won’t have to worry much… Hopefully…..

 “Hey, Patton?.. What if…. Just, What if.. I own a hybrid?... Would you tell anyone?” I asked….. I am kinda scared now……. P-Patton is making a face that is terrifying….. I-I'm scared now….... “I WOULD KEEP MY MOUTH GLUED SHUT AND PROTECT THE CREATURE…. IF ANYONE COMES TO HARM IT, THEY WILL MEET MY FISTS…...” Patton whispered yelled…..

I took a moment to catch my breath and take a sigh of relief…. He literally scared the f*ck out of me…. Patton then said “Wait, why did you ask me that anyways?” Then…. Shadow meowed lowder….. And~ Patton went haywire….

HE STOLE SHADOW’S CAGE AND SHADOW!!! LIKE, HE LITERALLY PICKED SHADOW UP AND RAN OFF WITH HIM!!! He didn’t leave the dorm… obviously. Shadow honestly looks so mad at me… Shadow spread their wings and flew out of Pat’s grip and landed on my shoulder.

Shadow then looked at my face and I could immediately tell that Shadow was pissed.. They ended up hitting my face… Patton just cooed at Shadow… Pat then looked at me and asked “How did you get them? I have looked for a hybrid for all of my life and… I could never find one!”

All that I could do was look away. If he knew the reason… He would sell me out… Yet… He most likely won’t sell me out because of Shadow.. Ehh, I don’t want to risk it… He seems very nice but, so was that ‘female dog’... Yeah… I am not going to risk it… For all I could know, he could be worse….

I realized that I got a bit lost in thought. I snapped out of it and looked at Patton after hearing him yell my name, like I died… well… I did mentally…

Anyways, I replied to his concerned yells with a simple ‘what?’ What? I wasn’t paying attention! Luckily, Pat wasn’t one of those people who yell at you if you didn’t pay attention. He then asked me again….. I… I don’t trust him enough to flat out tell him… “S-sorry Patton… I can’t tell you.. At Least at this given point in time.” I answered.

Patton looked kinda down at that fact but then asked a question that kinda made me jump. “Wait….. Did you steal them? If so then, can you tell me where? I promise you that I will not tell a single soul!” He said.

“W-wait? What?! I am not the type of person to steal things without people's permission!” I said, trying to defend myself. I honestly would probably steal an animal but, I am not going to say that cause, that is not what happend..

Patton then asked me how I got Shadow then… Well…. Now that I think about it… I can tell him…. I just need to leave some details out… Yeah… That way, I am not lying and he gets the information he wants so much…

“W-well…. I guess I can tell you… So…. I was in the forest and then they came out.. They were wounded badly.. You know, because hybrids are still ‘illegal’ to exist..” Ugh…. I hate saying those words….

“I was young at the time… maybe, around… Uhh…  12 or 13 years old……. I don’t really remember…. At that age, Sh*t was going down at home and school…. That was why I was in the forest in the first place…. To calm down… A-Anyways, Shadow was wounded so I decided to run… I came back with the first-aid kit from my family and I tried helping them…. Once I had Shadow bandaged up, I noticed that they were growling the whole time but stopped once I was done….”

Heh… Shadow actually wasn’t growling…. But was biting me.....

“The next time I came there, which was the next day, I noticed that they were still there. Once they spotted me, they immediately pounced on me and licked me…. It was gross and yet comforting at the same time. The funniest part was when I had to leave. Shadow tried to follow me and I ended up sneaking them inside. Shadow luckily was quiet enough to where I didn’t need to worry.” I answered.

Patton then realized something, I guess it was a question. “Wait…. Sorry kiddo but, I just realized… But… Why do you call Shadow ‘They, Them’ pronouns? S-Sorry if that is offensive! I… I just am curious.. Again, sorry if that is offensive.” Patton asked…

“O-oh, It is actually because… Whenever I call Shadow a he or her, they immediately scratch me and then ignore me for the rest of the day plus the day afterwards…..” I said in fake jealousy and anger… Seriously though! And then… the look on Shadow's face is kinda beginning to piss me off…… It is a cocky look….. I hated it and I think Shadow knows that...

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now