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Once princey was far enough away from my door, Remy walked to Pat and asked if I was an antisocialist…. For some reason... Pat looked at my door and I guess noticed me peeking out. I decided to nod my head due to Pat having a confused look on his face. Patton turned around and then nodded his own head. I decided that before someone that isn’t Patton spots me peeking out, to shut the door fully.

I then decide to just…. Sleep…. I don’t have to do anything at this moment and don’t really have to do anything until tomorrow. Plus, I have kind of a perfect opportunity to sleep right now so I will TRY and take it. Inhance on the word TRY.

Everyone outside of my room began chatting so I did the next best thing… Scroll on tumblr while listening to music. Which honestly helps me be able to go to sleep at times.

I began scrolling through tumblr as Shadow flew back inside and laid down next to me, leaning on my stomach, purring which sent a wave of calmness and safety over me. The wave kind of made me tired so I put my phone down and used my feet to pull my shoes off.

I then finally went into an unconscious state, aka sleep.

 *Hours Later, at like 2 a.m.* 

I woke up.. How I woke up, IDK, I just woke up.

I decided to get up and actually change into PJs which wasn’t much besides a huge ass shirt if not a sweater that was either a dark purple shade or a black with grey shorts.

I walked out of my room to look around the dorm due to me not being able to before… That kind of sounds creepy.. Oh well.

I examine the room that I was currently in to see a hallway. (A/N: Like I said before, creativity dead and too lazy to figure something out so use your own ImaGiNatIoN)

 I assume that all of the rooms are the other’s rooms so I decided to not look into any of them just incase one of my roomates was a light sleeper... Or not asleep on the first place.

I began walking towards the end of the hall that leads to what I hope to be the living room. As I was walking, I ended up stepping on a creaky plank of wood which in turn made me freeze.

After a minute or two of being completely still, I proceeded on what I was doing. I managed to reach the living room without making another noise.

The living room had one big couch and two recliners. In front of the big couch was a table that was like ⅔ of the couch size. Then, in front of that was a TV. All of that was on a rug that, I believe is in a circulatory pattern that held basically, the homosexual pride colors. The couch and the recliners all had pillows on them.

I began walking again and found the kitchen… Kind of found it and totally didn’t accidentally almost trip over a chair in the kitchen and totally didn’t mentally cuse at that.

I stood up off of the ground and then I heard a noise so I immediately hid on top of the fan. Don’t question how I got up there so fast. I looked down and waited. I ended up figuring out that it was actually nothing which scared me even more.

I climbed off of the fan and began walking towards my room as quietly as I possibly could. Once I was in my room, I decided to check the time to which I found it being 3:16. Hmm.

I crawled back into my bed and tried going back to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of footsteps.I grabbed my phone to see that it was 5:47. I guess one of my roommates will have class soon, if not multiple.

I got up and grabbed my schedule to look at the time my classes were at.

My first class starts at 8:20 so I can sleep more. I lay back on my bed and began dozing off. A bit later and I woke up to the sound of hell’s screeching... Ama my alarm clock going off... I really need to change my alarm into an actual song… I look at the time to see it being 7:40… I got up and grabbed my clothes and took a 10 minute shower. I then changed into my usual attire, a dark purple that was faintly ripped, a very dark thick jacket with sewn on purple plaid patches here and there, ripped black jeans and small, black boots, and finally, an ordinary black choker. I then went and put on my white foundation then eyeshadow. Done, I am ready to leave and suffer a day with anxiety and possibly people who are complete bitches. But first, I need to see if anyone is out in the living room.

I peak out of my room to see if the hallway is empty, which it is. I then shut and lock my door so no one can come in and see Shadow.

Then, I sneak and sneak until I am at the end of the hallway. I see that no one is in the living room nor kitchen so I can freely walk.

I leave the dorm, locking the door behind me, then went on my way to my first class… If I remember where the classroom is…

Before I could even think about anything else, I felt someone hug me from behind, which scared the living hell out of me. I look at the arms then trace them to the possessor of the arms to find out that the hugger was Patton. “Heya kiddo!” Pat said. “Jezus Pat! Also, Hi!” I don’t think Patton knows that he scared me… “C’mon, we need to get to class before we are late!” pat said as he grabbed my hand then dragged me while sprinting to our classroom.

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now