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I asked him again, “What do you want?” and my tone was beginning to sound more pissed off. He finally began speaking…

“W-well I am sorry, I thought this was Patton's room.” he lied… I responded with “Well, you have lived with him longer, so you should know where his room is… Not to mention, he is not here right now….” I guess princy didn’t know that Pat wasn’t in the dorm at the time because he then asked “Then where is he?”.... “He went on a field trip to the zoo… Did he not tell you?” because, Princy sure is acting like Patton didn’t tell him…

Yet again, he only came back from his plays at 8:00 yesterday so Pat could have easily forgotten to tell him or Patton fell asleep but, he is a part of the drama club, so he could also be easily trying to trick me… I don’t trust him…

“Oh~ right! I forgot about that. Anyways, what is your name, new roommate?”....He asked…  I respond with “Just call me Anxi…”.. He then examines the part of me that isn’t being hidden behind the door…..

This feels weird… Being examined up and down by someone you don’t know…. “Well, my name is Roman! So, why are you covering your face, ‘Anxi’?” Prince dude who is actually named Roman asked…

 Ehh… “Don’t question it…” I replied with…. Now I know why Remy doesn’t like him…. He is nosy as Fuck….

“Hmm….. I will question it until I have my answer… So, it might be better to go ahead and tell…”... I want to bitch slap him right now… So bad…. Just… I am so close.. I could even do it right now….. “Well… Prince Nosy~, I only tell people that I can trust so if you could get your nosy ass away from me… That would be wonderful!”... I… uhh… said with a bit of sass.  Think I made the wrong move…

He looks pissed off now… Yet again, it is not my fault… It was his nosiness fault. Out of nowhere, Remy appeared then came by and pushed Roman out of the way and then looked at me with a smile.

Roman  yelled “Hey! I was talking to him!” and then Remy said “Well, it looked like y’all were about to fight. Anxi honey is too small for that”... “Bish what?!” I asked. Remy then looked at me with a smile and said “Sorry baby, you look too fragile” and then put his hand on my head and patted me…

Two pets in one day! Yesh! But he called me short.... How DARE he? “I don’t want you to be hurt due to your size, Hon.” Remy finished… I wanted to hit him for mentioning me being shorter than them but… He was petting me and I like pets...  

I began purring after a bit of him petting me. I tried to compose the purr as much as I could but, kinda failed. Remy heard while Roman just got up… He probably heard but I don’t know… Nor do I care really. Remy stops petting me once Roman gets fully up.

They both give each other death glares. That was until cartoon lover, Emile came walking in. He turned to Remy and Roman and asked “Hey, where is Janus and Remus? They should be here before me…. Also, how are you two here before me?!” as he points at the two that look as though they are about to kill each other.

Remy looked at Emile and said “Well~ I may or may not have skipped my last class to go to a nearby starbies that may or may not have been a mile away~”...

Emile then looked at Roman for his answer. “I was let off early because it was being canceled.” Roman stated. “Oh.. Why was it canceled?” Emile asked. “Uhhh… They didn’t give a reason… They just let us go…” Roman answered.

Emile sighed then walked up to me and asked “Did he try to attack you?” to me. Remy busted out laughing while Roman made a offended whiney noise.

Emile then said “Knowing him, he probably didn’t have anything today, so he would have tried to ‘get to know you’. Probably by force.” which made Roman grab Emile and drag him away.

I look at Remy while Em is being dragged away and ask “Is he gonna be alright?” to which he replies with, “Who, Roman or Emile. Both will be fine either way though”. I nodded.

Remy then said "So, why are you covering your mouth? You kinda give the vibe that you have a bruise. Did he actually hit you tho? Cause if so, I will make sure that he won't touch you anymore." .

I giggled at that. "No, he didn't touch me at all. I just took my makeup off and I'm ugly..." I said, getting quieter as the sentence progressed.

Remy gave me a 'Bitch u sure' look through his sunglasses.. That reminds me, why does he wear sunglasses inside...? He then said "Yeah.... I highly doubt that baby..." and began let's petting me... 3 pets!

Remy then said "Hey, where is shadow?" I told him that I have my bedroom window open so, they might not be in my room.

Useless Author's Note:

Yo! Sorry that this chapter is a 'bit' shorter than the others, I be lazy. Anyways, now, the schedule for the chapters will still be on sundays just, not all sundays. Also, I am working on a new book cover for this so, ye.... Cya

A Neko 'Disaster' .S.S.  ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now