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Alessia POV.

"Ruxin Romanov!" I yelled.

"Get your ass back here " I tell him.

"But mom I didn't do anything" He whined behind Xavier's back.

"I told you playing in cold is not good for your health" I tell him.

He looked down and nodded. I sighed.

Ruxin is our 3years old son.He is fast learner and he is a hybrid like his Father.

He heal immediately as soon he get injured. But I can't help it but to worry about my son.

"Let's get you hot chocolate" I said and he scremed and ran towards me to hug me.

"That more like my son" I said and kissed his head.

Xavier was watching this with a smile on his face.

"I didnt know my family will be this great" he said and hugged me.

"Me too" I said and he kissed my head.

Sephora has a daughter which is 4 years old.

Kara and Jake were mate I got to knew.

They had a baby boy.

Lilith and Davien gonna have a baby boy also.

"So here's your hot Choco" I said he made grabby hands.

"Yummy!" He exclaimed.

I chuckled.Xavier hugged me from behind.

"It will be more beautiful if we have a daughter" he said smirking and I slapped his chest.

"Shut up" I said.

"Mom Dad are gonna come so we will have our time alone" He rested his hand underneath my shirt.

"Xavier are you freaking mad?"I said and he kissed my lips.

"Babe remember I love you" he said.

"No! I love mama" Ruxin hugged my legs.

"No I love your mom" Xavier said.

I picked up Ruxin. He was hugging me tightly.

"Go away! This is my mom" Ruxin was trying to slap Xavier arms of me.

"Come here you little devil" Xavier grabbed him and put him down on the couch and tickled him.

"Mama! Save me from this monster" he laughed.

"Xavier stop" I said and he kissed Ruxin head.

"Let's go get McDonalds" Xavier said and Ruxin screamed loudly.

"Mama lets go" he grabbed my hand and starts pulling me to the door.

"Xavier please grab my coat and his coat" I said and he nodded.

I exit the house. To see snow.

I closed my eyes. I remember me ting him, wars, up and downs.

Now we are here. This far.

This is was our story.If I had a chance I want to live the happy moments of this story again.

Authors note

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