Chapter 12:Care

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Alissia POV

I opened my eyes and regret it the light of room burned my eyes.

Who fitted the fucking sun in my room!

I groaned due to head throbbing. I tried open my eyes again and I succeed this time.

I must say I'm a warrior!

"Luna you finally awake .Let me check if you have any pain" A beautiful woman with ginger hair said.

"You must be goddess am I dead?" I said and she laughed.

"No you are in hospital" she said and I made disgusting face.

" By the way My name is Alessia you can me alise. Um doctor care to tell me why I have pain in my head and wrist?."I said confused.

"My name is Andrea.Due to your injuries at school you have oan in your wrist and head.

"Alise I will give some painkillers to reduce the pain.
But the right wrist is fractured badly due amount of force you attacker applied.

Because he is werewolf and you are human so their attack will be very bad and dangerous for you."
She said with her eyes turning black.

But she closed her eyes and her eyes were returned to her hazel colour

"Umm Andrea why your eyes m turned black."I said slightly scared

"I'm sorry Alessia my wolf was not happy to see her Luna in this state" She said with a smile and made ohh face.

"Oh okay by the way where is Xavier." I asked her and she said.

"Alessia Alpha Xavier is in office so I can him for you.

I told everybody not to tell him that you are awake or he won't let me treat you." She said with big dramatic sigh

I chuckled at her statement. As Me and Andrea was talking the door of my room slammed open.

An angry looking Xavier graced us with his presence.

"Hello dude!" I said waving my hand which was good.

He made his towards Andrea.

"Why didn't you tell me that My mate is awake " he growled.

His voice different but his voice was swoon worthy i can melt by listen-

WTF what am I thinking! Get your mind out of gutter Alessia.

"Xavier calm down she only did it for me because you won't let her treat me by becoming a possessive freak" I said rolling my eyesm

"Im not possessive Im protecting what need protection." he said growling.

I gasp as his eyes changed his became onyx and had a red ring around the pupil and red slit in the middle.

"Xavier please you are scaring me right.

But Beasties calm down please I'm okay you saved me I'm safe" I said slightly scared

He came towards me and hugged me. He snuggled in my neck .After this he calmed down.

"Awww my RACOON" I said and he looked at me like I gone mad.

"Racoon? Seriously? I'm a wolf" he said and I shrugged.

Snuggled! Aww giant raccoon!

"Im sorry for scaring you moon.

Andrea I am sorry but when I heard the new that my mate has been awake and you didn't tell me my beast took over me and you after this incident my beast are very protective over Alessia " he said kissing my forehead

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