Chapter 25:Mr Vamp

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'She walked and all demons stopped'


Alessia POV

I woke with hot breath fanning on my face and I opened my eyes and saw Eleazar face close to mine.

I screamed.He flinched and hugged me.

"What the Fuck is wrong with you!"I said hitting him on the back.I said try to even my breathing.

"Sorry Rika" he said and looked down.

"Its okay" I said trying to get up but he stopped me.

"Let's go somewhere please~" I said to him and pouted.His eyes widen and he coughed.

"What happens?" I asked him concerned

"Eras demasiado lindo en este momento pensé que moriría" He said
(You were too cute I thought I will die)

"Can you speak English?" I said and he shook his head as no

"Rika get ready and I will make breakfast" he said and smirked before he walked out.

I went in to the bathroom and saw my neck.

"YOU FUCKING VAMPIRE! ELEAZAR!!" I yelled and I heard laughing.

I have 4 hickeys on my neck.
Fucking shit. They are so big.

I shook my head and sighed and took a bath.

I wrraped towel around me and went into the closet.

I found this type of dressing best for Hiding hickey and I did a little makeup and grabbed my things and went dowmstairs

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I found this type of dressing best for Hiding hickey and I did a little makeup and grabbed my things and went dowmstairs.

I didnt even glance at him and sat at the stool.

"Rika" he said and I didnt answer him.

Just to tease him.

"Rika" he whisper next to my ear.I jumped

"Oh my gosh you scared me" i said and he chuckle.

I turn around and took his appearance.

I turn around and took his appearance

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Fucking hell! He look so-

Get your mind out of gutter!! Alessia dumb

"Alessia what are you thinking?" He said my name and I shivered

"About Jacob and Edward Mr vamp" I said dumbfounded

"Who!" He snarled and I flinched

"Who? What? " I said confused

"Who the fuck is Jacob and Edward!!" He snarled more.

Oh Let just tease.

I'm playing fire.

"My love" I said and popped a strawberry in my mouth.

I was lifted and I was pinned down on the couch.

"My beloved don't test me I'm sure you will not like consequences" he said eyes red. I can't take anymore

I laughed and he looked at me like I went crazy.

"Oh my god they are characters of twilight Mr vamp" I said laughing and he let out a relived sigh and his face went Blank.

"I was ready to kill them" he said and

"Don't call me that" he warned

"Mr Vampy" i said and he kisses me.

The kiss was of possessiveness , Jealousy. The kiss was getting heated.

"Rika I'm possessive so don't test me" he said and suckes behind my ear.

Wave of pleasure went through me and he looked at me.

"Breakfast is still left" he said and smirked.

"You! Are ! Just" I said and his smirked widen.

"unbelievably hot and sexy.Yeah I know Rika don't need to mention" he said smirking

"When did I say that!" I exclaimed

"You don't need to say it" he was so closes to my face.

I ran to kitchen and I heard booming laugh and I ate my breakfast hurriedly.

I put dishes in the sink and went to living room.

"ELEAZAR!!!" I screamed and smirked. Soon he was right front of me worried.

Checking my face for injury.

"Let's go we are gonna be late" I said pouting.

"Rika you screamed for this! I thought something happens to you!" He exclaimed and I laughed.

Still laughing his face was priceless.
How did I get this man!

He is cute

"Your laugh is so beautiful" he said smiling widely.

"Really I thought I sound like dying whale" I said and he chuckles

"Let's go" he said and we went out he put his shades on.

He look hot!

"Hey why shades?" I asked him.

"People hate these eyes so" he said and I sighed.

"But I like your eyes they remind me of beautiful ruby" I said taking of his shades. He was looking at me with diifernt emotion.

"Eres tan hermosa Rika" He said and Im sure he said this in Spanish.I told answers him in Spanish.
(You are just beautiful)

"Gracias Eleazar y tu también eres guapo" I said to him and he looked at me with wide eyes.
(Thank you Eleazar you are handsome too)

"You know Spanish" he said
"Yep I know Italian too" I said and his broke out in smile.

"Proud of you Rika" he said and we both sat in the car and drove to the place I wanted to go.

Amusement Park!!

He we come!

Author note

A short chapter for you guys and I hope you like this chapter and Comment too.

I love you all so much.
Today I had school and I m tired as fuck.

I will update in two days or three.

I'm happy you ate supporting me.

Your author

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