Chapter 15:Trip

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Alissia POV

I feel darkness.Darkness.Am I dead?
Why?I'm dead.I can't.

"Please wake up my love" A familiar voice said


I tried everything in my power to open my eyes but I can't.I tried one more time and I saw blinding light and shut my eyes again.

I open again and saw face of one person who I cherish the most.

"Babe you okay?Are in pain?Let me get the doctor.Wai-"I cut him off my pulling him down and kissing him.
He return my kiss.This kiss is of sadness ,Fear,Love,Relief.

We broke the kiss and he rested his forehead on mine.

"Why didnt you call me when she hurt you and insulted you?" Xavier said

"Yo I took care of her but in the end I fainted ahhhhish tch"I pouted

"Hmm What Im gonna do about you my little trouble maker"He said chuckling

"Xavier what is the time and I wanna tell you something.But you have to promise me you will say yes not no okay"I said to him

"First babe is 4pm and now tell me and then I will see"He said crossings his arm and raising his eyebrow

"I wanna go to Russia for the trip ple-I'm cut off by

"No! never I'm not gonna send you away from me"He said hugging me

I slapped the back of his head and he let out the small "ow".

"What was that for?" He said rubbing his back of head

"Idiot You are gonna come with me because you are the student of same school" I said

"Oh" He said

"That is why I'm always protected by you" I said with smile

"Aish I didnt thought this" he said slightly smiling

"Because you stupid" I snickered

"Yeah I'm you stupid"he said and kissed me

The doctor came in after that and ask if I feel any pain in head and I said no.He said I'm fine but no stress work and drink more water.He said in good to go but he gave some medicens.After he went out.Girls and their mate came in they all hugged me.

I grabbed all my things from hospital and Xavier grabbed me by my waist and pull me back to his chest now my back was pressed against his chest.We
Walked out of hospital and sat in the Xavier's truck.

"Levi can you please drop me and girls at our apartment?" I said

"No levi keep driving to our house."Xavier said sternly

"What is wrong with you we have to pack things and go to shopping and other thing for trip."I said

"Trip? what trip?" Both guys said at the same time

"Uhh we forgot to tell you that we are going to russiafor trip of 2 weeks." Said Anna

"Wow Wonderful mate wonderful you didnt tell me" Decon said pouting and Anna Hugged him

"Aww www" I said

"You guys look cute" I said grinning

"Please Levi drop us at our apartment and end is discussion" I said sternly

Xavier sighed and hugged him

"But please moon dont over work yourself." Xavier said concerned

"Don't worry Xavier she under our watch" Said Clara strictly and Anna grinned evily

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