Chapter 7:Fun

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Decon up in the picture

'I fell in love with the way you touched me without using hands'

Alessia's POV

I am trying to escape his arms for past 10 minutes so I can ho yo bathroom.

I tried to sit up but the arms made up of steel or iron were draped around my waist.

I tried to wiggle our of his arms but I failed. Xavier snuggled deep in my neck and tightened his grip on my waist.

OMG I face palmed myself. I'm gonna die right now if u didn't use bathroom .

I shook him he didn't even budge. I shook him harder he groan.

"Xavier let me go I have to use bathroom please" I said in pleading voice

"Okay moon but come back to bee after you use bathroom because i need you in my arms to sleep" He said in his husky deep morning voice .
od up from bed and went to bathroom to do my business.

I washed hands and exit the bathroom. Xavier was lying in his stomach. I stood there in my thoughts

"Moon I told you to come quickly come on I need you in my arms to sleep " He said little whining I saw the time it was freaking 3:00 in the morning.

I made my way to bed as I was in reach with bed Xavier got up and grabbed my wrist and pulled to the bed.

I shriek he pulled me into his chest and wrap his arms around my waist.

"I told you to come to bed but u didn't listen now you cant go anywhere I can't sleep with you " He said kissed my neck.
Soon we were both asleep

I felt someone shaking me lightly. I groan and hugged the person closed to me.

"Moon how much I like to sleep with you but moon get up we are going somewhere get ready or I will change you clothes by myself" He heard smirk in his voice.

"Okay okay I m awake" I said . He kissed my head and I made my to bathroom for shower.

I showered and use his shampoo and body wash . I wrapped the big fluffy towel and went to the closet .

I remember i don't clothes

"Xavier!!!!! " I screamed.

The door of the room open with a loud bang and Xavier was in front of me checking me for any injury

"Xavier i don't have any clothes please get me some clothes" I said to him.

He look at me like I'm crazy and he sighed.

" So you screamed for me that you don't have clothes. You are unbelievable " He said.

I grin at him. He ran out of the room and in a sec he was again front of me with clothes in his hand.

"Thank you by the way Xavier where did get girls clotheS" I said to him

"These clothes are of my sister. She is gone to visit our parents " He said with a smile

"Okay now get out I m gonna change my clothes " I said to him.
He smirked.

WTH is he smirking at!?

"What" I asked him

" I have no problem watching you change. I will be glad to watch what's mine" He said with evil smirk

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