Chapter 34: Ready Love?

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I have discovered I love you.

When did you discovered this?

"Since my all decisions started to revolve around you"


Alessia POV

"What?" I smirked and I know I'm playing with fire.

"Should I show you?" He smirked and hovered above me.

Omg I'm fucked up.

He dip his head and kissed me and the kiss was soft.

He put his head in the crook of my neck and start peppering kisses and soon he started to suck on my neck.

I gasped and held his arms in right grip.

This fucking bastard.

"Knight stop" I said slapping his back.

He remove his head from crook of my neck and look and nodded.

"Let's sleep" he said and force me yo lay down next to him and starts to hug me.

"You are such a big baby" I said to him and he kiss my lips and nodded.

We both fell asleep.

My dear this blood you are watching dripping from my hand.

"What the hell! You physco! Where Is Xavier!" I said and I was tied on chair.

"This blood is of Xavier my dear wanna see something?" He said he was in his late forties.

"Look Here where your mate lies" He said and laughed.

"No no no!! Please why him! No! Please!" I cried

"Alessia! Alessia! ALESSIA!" Someone woke me up and jerked right up.

"Please go Xavier they will hurt you" I was clutching on his arms.

"Love love look at me I'm here no one will hurt me and no one will touch you." He said and hugged me.

I dont know I fell asleep in his arms.

Next day

I woke up with coldness beside me.I turn and saw no knight with me.

I sighed and woke up and went to bathroom.

I saw myself in the mirror I look like a mess. When I saw my neck.


I have 3 hickeys.They are so big.

"YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD!!"I screamed and went downstairs.

I saw nobody and then heard hushed voices from guess room.

"Why she is screaming I'm scared" I heard someone say.

I went and open the door of the guest room.

"Hey guys" I said with blank face.

"Hey love" He said with a smirk.

"Ah ah ah ouch stop love it hurts" I was dragging him by his ear.

"Why did you gave me three Big Hickeys!!" I said and he smiled .

"Because I want to show world you are mine" he said possessively

"Aish you are so possessive" I said and he hugged me.

" I have to take you somewhere get ready" he said and I nodded and went to my room.

I went to the bathroom and showered and dried my self and went to the closet.

I have to wear turtle neck because of hickeys.

I went and dry my hair and applied a little makeup and leave my hair in natural state.

I went downstairs and found Knight waiting.

"Ready love?"

Author note

Hey guys

I just awoke from my death hehe.

I'm sorry so so sorry for late update.

Please follow and support lime you are doing now.

Love you guys so so much

Your author

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