Chapter 37:Russia

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I search for you in every sunset.


Alessia POV






"Yes" He said and I screamed loudly.

"This is unfair" he said growling.

"It's fair" I said smirking

"You come here!" He said lunging at me .I shrieked and tried to ran away.

But that cheater used his vampire speed and caught me and lifted me up in air.

I shrieked and laugh.

"You don't know how much I love your laugh" he said and I hugged him with my non injured arm.

"You are not wearing that dress to airport thats final" He said growling.

"But~" I whined and he glared.

"Fine!" I huffed. He chuckled.

"Why are you chuckling now?" I asked him glaring.

"His chuckle turn me on" Accalia

Lo and behold here comes a horny wolf.

Oh sorry I forgot to tell you about my wolf.

Accalia she is white wolf and my best part and friend.

"Hey! I heard that!" Accalia said

"Hey! You were supposed too!" I said and laughed.

"I hate you" she hissed.
"I love you" I said
"Aww love you to" she said.

I blocked her.

"What were you thinking moon?" Xavier said.

"I was thinking how sexy is Shawn Mendez" I said and he growled and I laughed out loud.

After some minutes he glaring and me being me still laughing.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry" I said taking deep breath.

He grabbed me by my neck and smashed his lips on mine.

"I love you" He said

"I love me too" I said and laughed out loud.

He starts to chuckle.

"I adore you so much moon" he said chuckling.

"Oh by the way when is the flight?" I said to him.

"We can go now if you want" he said.

"But my packing is not even finished" I said

"Let's go your things will be there" he said and his eyes glaze over.

"Get ready moon we will be leaving in 10 minutes" he said and stood up I grabbed his wrist.

"Can I choose your outfit?" I said smiling and he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Go on choose what you want me to wear" he said and I squeal and ran to closet and behind in heard booming laugh.

"Go on choose what you want me to wear" he said and I squeal and ran to closet and behind in heard booming laugh

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I picked this outfit for him and I chooses this outfit for me

I picked this outfit for him and I chooses this outfit for me

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Its his hoodie and shirt.I'm evil little cunning bitch.

"Are you high or something?" Accalia said

"No maybe on air" I said laughing
"I know I know you are-I cut her off.

"Perfect" I said and went in to room.I ran to the bed and starts jumping and screaming.

The door of the room swung open and Xavier ran in the searching for any danger.

"Here and go to bathroom" I said jumping off the bed and handing him his outfit and pushing in bathroom.

"Let's get dressed" I said and ran into closet.

"Moon come out now" he said and I walked out of closet and his eyes widen.

"What?" I said and he just gulped.Then starts smirking

"What? Hello?" I said.

He was infront of me in a flash and held me by my waist.

"You know thats unfair that my clothes look good on you then me" he said and kissed below my ear.

"I just wanna do things that you don't wanna know like -I cut him off.

"Staph!! It!! No! Shut up! Okay! I don't wanna listen. I still have to date Shawn Mendez" I said dramatically.

He growled and he grabbed me by waist and pulled me against him tightly.

"Moon don't temper us you I am sure that you want to walk for a week" He said.

"YES! IM SORRY! Bye" I said and ran to bathroom.I heard booming laugh.

"Moon get out of the bathroom we have to go" he said and I exited the bathroom.

"Let's go" he said wrapping his arm around my waist.

We reached the place where the jet was.

"Get all things of you Queen Luna!Nothing should be left!" He said with booming voice.

"Get on my love" He said.

I ran to jet and sat on the soft couch.

Xavier came in and lift me up and placed me in his lap.

"Sleep some mate I'm here" he said.

"Yes my personal hot water bottle" I said snuggling his chest.

"You are so cute" he said smiling.

"No I'm not" I said still hugging him.

"Sleep mate tomorrow is the day you will meet my Family" he said bit I was in sleep.

I soon fell asleep.

Author note

I'm not dead.

This is very long update.I had some exams and test and online classes.

So you these are hella shit.

So read enjoy and vote and follow.

We will soon hit 11k

You author

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