Mysterious helper

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Y/n's POV 

We skipped a few classes and headed to the cafeteria as it was lunchtime. I don't know what Eva has on her plate for me today. 

I got my food and sat down. I was a bit shocked to see a few people around me. 

"You guys don't need to sit with me," I said. 

"If you are Yugyeom's friend, you are a friend of ours too," Jinyoung said as he looked at the others and sat next to me. 

The others took their places. Ryujin left home early as her mother was ill. I could feel everyone stare at me. 

"Yugyeom, I don't think is gonna help me. I guess you guys should stay together, without me. I'm sorry Yugyeom, but I don't want to cause any trouble with your friendship. I feel us being friends would affect your life." I paused. 

"You have friends around you. Having me is just a burden. I don't want you or Ryujin to worry over me. It's better we just go on our paths. It's best for us." I said and got up from there and sat at another table. Tears poured, silently. 

I didn't want to break his heart but I didn't want them both to be clinging to me and worrying about me. They too have a life. And it's not like he doesn't have friends. Not having me, wouldn't hurt. 

I was about to eat when a guy stood in front of me. I looked at him and he was one of the guys who was in detention from my class yesterday. 

"What do you want?" I asked, looking down. 

"You are sitting in my place." He said. 

"This table is not specified to you," I said and wiped my tears.

He and his friends are newbies to this college and some of them share their classes with me. I didn't know their names nor did I care to know. 

As soon as these 5 people entered our college, every girl drooled over them. I've heard from Ryujin that these guys are quite dangerous and not to try to mess with them.

"Please just let me eat peacefully at least," I said, calmly. He just stood there. 

"I'm sorry for sitting in your place," I said and got up.

"You can join me. I don't mind." He said. I looked at him and he smiled. 

I nodded and sat down, along with him. 

Before I could take a bite, my plate was pushed away as usual, by none other than Eva. 

I could see her smirk. I got up to leave, but I got pushed to the wall. She pushed the hoodie down and laughed at me. 

"Look at your face. You're a mess! Who'd want to be with you?" She said and laughed with her other friends. 

She fisted her hand and punched me on my cheek. Blood flowed from my mouth. 

She came to hit me again but was stopped by someone else. I couldn't see him properly. 

"Stop it." He said firmly. His voice was strong. It had more power. 

I passed out before I could see who it was. 

??? POV

I headed to the cafeteria, to sit in our place but there was a problem there. 

A familiar girl's face. She was at the detention class, yesterday. She was being pushed to the wall and punched by Eva, I suppose. 

I observed her face and she was hurt quite a lot. Before Eva could punch her once again, I ran and stopped her.

"Stop it," I said strong enough, making her flinch. 

I looked over at San who looked shocked at her. She was on the floor. Blood was dripping from her mouth, her plate was on the floor. Not even half the rice was eaten. She passed out. 

San and I helped her to the infirmary. The lady seemed quite pissed off seeing her. 

"I'm not treating that kid again! She's hurt a lot and I can't do anything about it. Take her to the hospital before she breaks all her bones." The lady said.

I was shocked. She's been here several times? 

Without wasting any more time, I put her in my car and drove to the hospital with San. 

I asked the doctor, who's a friend of mine, to check on her. He came back soon with some reports in his hands. 

"She's been hurt a couple of many times. She's been hit at the same areas continuously and she hasn't treated them well. Luckily, no bone is broken or any serious injuries. And she hasn't been eating anything properly. Her body is weak and tired. She'll wake up in a few minutes, then you can see her." The doctor said and left. 

We left from there before she could find out it was us that saved her. 

We never kept in contact with unknown people, cause I didn't want them to get in danger. 

We got in the car and drove back to the campus.

"She'll be fine right?" San asked. 

"Hope she is," I said. 

"Should we tell the others?" He asked. 

"Not required. They would've known it by now." I said and reached. 

We got back in like nothing happened. 

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