Yeosang's story

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***next day***

I woke up and looked around. Yeosang was sleeping, soundly and I headed to the bathroom to refresh myself. 

I came back and looked at the pictures hanging on his wall. There were a lot of photos with the other boys.

"Good morning Y/n." I heard Yeosang. I turned and wished him back a 'good morning'. 

"I'll get refreshed." He said and headed to the bathroom. I kept looking at the photos. 

As I was going through them, one particular photo caught my eye. Yeosang was with a small cute little girl, and she looked so adorable. 

He came back and stood next to me. 

"Yeosang, who is this?" I asked, pointing at the little girl. 

"Um.. she's a family friend." He said. But it didn't seem like the truth. 

"But she looks a lot more like you. Then she must be your sister..." I said and looked at him. 

He was sitting by the bed and his head hung down. 

"Yeosang, is everything ok?" I asked and sat next to him. I noticed a drop of tear fall from his eyes. I lifted his chin and looked at him. 

"Hey, what happened?" I asked, worried. 

"You are right. She's my sister." He said. 

"T-then why are you crying? Did she leave you?" He shook his head saying 'no'. 

"She left this world." I was shocked to hear it. 

"W-what? H-how? I... You don't need to tell me if you're not comfortable." I said. 

"You need to know. It happened when I was in 9th grade. She was a year younger than me and was very friendly to all. Everyone admired her, from boys to girls. She never hated anyone nor talked bad about anyone. She always wished everyone to be happy. I loved her a lot cause she always made my day. But...." He broke down. 

I caressed his back, making him comfortable. 

"One day, she didn't return home and I was worried. She called me after some time and said she was out with her friends and will come home late. But she didn't return yet. I asked her friends but they all said that she left. There was no sign of her for two-three days. After four days of her disappearance, a guy smelled something weird and rotten and walked towards it. He found her dead body by the school basement." He cried, saying about it. He found it difficult to say the next words. 

"We took her to the doctor for the reports on how it happened and they said that she was tortured, beaten, and raped. There were bruises on her throat area and her wrists. They forced her. My parents were broken so much. Now they are overseas, overcoming it. But I couldn't forget it. I couldn't stay silent, while those guys who hurt her were happy. That's how it all started." He paused. 

"I was on a mission to kill them. And I did, as I wanted. But even after that, I had nightmares of her shouting for help but I couldn't do anything. I went to the park I spend with my sister and that's where I started meeting the other guys one by one and we all had our problems and we decided to be a team and help people who have been or are going through the same problems we had gone through." He said. 

I was speechless. I didn't know what to reply nor how to console him, cause it was something new to me. 

"T-that was why you helped me from Eva. You didn't want me to get troubled, like your sister." I said, still processing what I said. He nodded his head. 

I wrapped both my arms around him and rubbed his back.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sorry for your loss." I said. It must be heartbreaking to lose your close one. I went through the same when Seonghwa left out of the blue but I also faced hell because of him. 

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