Hurting Hongjoong's feelings

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"Hello...?" I asked. 

"Hello? Is it Y/n?" The person asked. 

"Yeah. Can I know who you are?" I asked. 

"Come out and you'll see." It sounded more like a male voice. I did as he said, Yugyeom and Ryujin followed too and I was surprised to see the person standing in front of me. 

"J-J-Jungkook? What are you doing here? How do you know I stay here?" I asked. 

"Wouldn't you invite me in?" He asked. I nodded, slowly, feeling scared that something might happen. 

He followed me and the others looked at him. 

"How many times should I tell you do not to bring anyone in?" Hongjoong said, in a furious tone. 

"Um... It was a surprise, so she didn't know I'd be coming over. Sorry to disturb you guys, I'll leave soon." He said. 

"Why not we go up?" Yugyeom said and we four headed upstairs. 

We stood on the terrace, Yugyeom and Ryujin stood away from us and I looked at Jungkook, waiting for him to speak up. 

"So, why are you here?" I asked.

"Ah, I'm sure your friends would've told you about me looking for you..." I nodded my head. 

"I want to apologize for my behavior. I'm sorry for it. I didn't mean to do that nor have any intention." He said. 

"You are apologizing cause I am Seonghwa's sister." I blankly stated. 

"Uh... I'm sorry to say but... do you have a brother and... sorry to ask, who's Seonghwa by the way?" He asked. I was shocked to hear it. He doesn't know I have a brother. My friends also heard it. 

"Y-You really don't know?" Yugyeom asked shocked. 

"No.." He whispered. 

"You don't?" I asked. He shook his head saying no. 

"Oh my god!" I said happily and hugged him. 

"Um... do you accept my apology?" He asked. I broke the hug and looked at him. 

"I do!" I said, smiling ear to ear. 

"So, friends...?" He asked, putting his hand forward. I shook my hand with him.

"Sure, I would love to," I said. 

"Bro, you don't know who her brother is?" Ryujin asked. 

"I didn't know she had a brother at first. But... why are you all shocked by it?" He asked. 

"You wouldn't understand it though. Long story short, she and her brother are not on good terms. She hates it when someone apologizes to her, just cause she is his sister." Yugyeom said. 

"Who is your brother though?" He asked. 

"Did you come across a guy, who looked kind, humble, warm-hearted, gentle, nice, and good-looking?" Yugyeom asked. 

I smacked his head, hard enough. 

"You are not advertising him here," I said. Ryujin and Jungkook were giggling. 

"I'll show you," Ryujin said and we headed down. 

She pointed her finger at Seonghwa and whispered to Jungkook, saying he is my brother. 

"He looks cool." He said. 

"Told ya'," Yugyeom said and they both high-fived each other. 

"I don't need anyone, while I have Yugyeom, who advertises him a lot," I said. 

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