Meeting the person, I hate the most

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Hongjoong came over to the basement and saw Y/n tied up. 

Y/n heard someone's footsteps approach her and she stayed silent until the other person spoke up. 

"Who are you? What do you want from that guy?" He asked. 

"I don't need to tell who I am to a random stranger. And I don't need anything from him. He asked for my help and I helped him. But you bastards killed him!" She shouted. 

"Tell me or you'll face hell." His voice gave her shivers. But she didn't give up.

"I'm not telling you and I don't mind facing hell. I'm facing it every day." She said. 

"You bitch!" He said and slammed the table hard, making Y/n startled. 

"He'd be the right person to get out every information." He said and left. 

Y/n thought this was her best time and tried to remove the rope, tied around her. 

Luckily she succeeded. But before she could remove the blindfold, she heard footsteps approach her. 

"You un-tied it!" Jongho said. The guy asked him to leave it.

He got in and walked around. 

"What is your relation with him? Why did you save him?" He asked. 

Y/n froze as she heard the voice. It is a very familiar voice. A person she didn't want to see in her life. 

"S-Seonghwa?" She barely whispered. But it was audible enough for him.  

"Do I know you?" He asked, shocked. As he asked it, she couldn't believe it was him. Tears poured as she heard his voice. 

"Y-you are S-Seonghwa?" She asked. 

Seonghwa had no clue who it could be. He was confused about how this person knew him. He kneeled and took off the blindfold. 

As he saw the entire figure, he was shocked. 

"Y-Y/n?" He asked, shocked. He couldn't believe it was his sister. He had mixed emotions. He missed her for the past 3 years. 

At the same time, he was worried as he saw those bruises on her face. Tears fell from his eyes. 

He left in the middle of his second year, cause he had no choice. Y/n opened her eyes and looked at him, with teary eyes. 

"Y/n, how are you doing? What happened to you?" He asked as he held her hand. Y/n backed off and Seonghwa was confused about why. 

"Y/n, is everything ok?" He asked, worried. Y/n got up from the chair and looked at him. 

"Why are you even alive?" She shouted. He was shocked as he heard it. He got up and looked at her. 

"Why didn't you just die or get lost somewhere?" She shouted. The others heard her and were shocked. They all stood by the door. 

"Y/n, what are you saying?" He asked. Except for Hongjoong and Yunho, the others realized she was a student from their college. 

"I hate you! I hate you so much, Park Seonghwa!" She shouted and ran outside, crying. San followed her and tried to stop her. 

Seonghwa was taken aback by those words. He thought she missed him too, but he was wrong. She was the opposite of it. 

"Seonghwa, who is she? Do you know her?" Hongjoong asked. He didn't reply to anything. Hongjoong comforted him.  

Meanwhile, San followed Y/n and stopped her before she could trip herself from the center table. 

"Let me go! I don't want to be here!" She cried. She didn't see San's face. 

"I won't do anything to you." As she heard him, she calmed down. But she didn't stop crying.

"How do you know Seonghwa?" He asked. She too didn't reply anything. 

"Y/n, just listen to me-" She cut him. 

"No, I don't want to hear anything from you! I hate you more than my life." She said and wiped her tears and looked in his direction. 

"I hate you so much!" She shouted and kneeled, crying.

"I don't even want to see you." She said in a muffled voice. San tried comforting her. 

"I don't want to be here." She cried. 

"Y/n, please. Just once." Seonghwa pleaded. 

"No! I'm not ready to. I hate that I helped that guy, I hate that these people got me here, I hate that I saw your face. I hate that I'm still living after all those things I've got. I hate that you are still alive." She cried. 

The others were confused to see what was happening and shocked to hear those words. 

"Y/n, why? Why are you talking about all these?" He asked worriedly. She got up and looked at him. 

"Everything that happened in my life, all the worst days were caused by you! Just shut your mouth!" She looked at him with hatred and walked outside but got stopped by the others, except for two people - Seonghwa and Wooyoung. 

"Where are you going?" Yeosang asked. 

"I don't want to be here." She said and walked past the others. 

"Shall I drop you home?" He asked. She stopped on her way. 

"No! I don't need any of your help." She said. 

As she reached the door, she was stopped by Wooyoung pointing a gun at her. 

"Shut the fuck up and stay here or else die." He said. Seonghwa was shocked to see Wooyoung do this. 

"Kill me! I don't care." She said and walked but he pulled her and walked in. 

"Yah! Let me go!" She said and tried getting off his grip. 

"It's too late at night. Just stay here for one day." Mingi said. 

"I don't want to, means I don't want to. Do you understand?" She said, sharply. 

Wooyoung got pissed by her attitude. He held her hand and slapped her. 

"Yah! She's my sister!" Seonghwa shouted. The others froze in their place. 

"She deserved it. Better stay here or else you'll have more of that in your face." Wooyoung said.  

"Whatever. Only for today." Seonghwa smiled as he heard it. 

"We don't have an extra room. You can stay in Seonghwa's-" She cut Mingi. 

"I am NOT staying with him. I better get killed than staying with him." She said, anger seen on her face. 

The others looked amongst each other, deciding who's room to let her. Wooyoung got frustrated by seeing the others taking time to tell.

"You can stay in the basement," Wooyoung said. 

"No, she is not," Seonghwa said. 

"How does it matter to you all? I'll just stay in a corner," she said and walked away. 

Y/n's POV

As I randomly walked, a guy approached next to me.

"Hey. Are you ok?" He asked 

"I will be fine," I said, wiping my tears.  

"I'm Kang Yeosang. If you need anything, you can feel free to ask me." He said. 

"As of now, nothing. Thanks." I said and showed a warm smile. He did the same too and left. 

I walked a bit further and sat down, leaning on the wall, as tears silently flowed. 

The person I didn't want to see, is here now, right in front of me. Why do I have to see him again? He spoiled my life and nowhere, to sort things out? Why did I try to save that guy? It made me end up here. Everything is fucked up! My life is fucked up! 

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