And it's all good

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---Next day---

Wooyoung woke up as he felt the light rays fall on him. He looked over at Y/n but there was no movement. He headed to the cafeteria to get some coffee for himself. 

As he was on his way back, a voice that called his name made him stop. He turned and was surprised to see the person.

"Yeji? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came over to check on my mother," She replied. 

"Yeah, she works here right? I forgot," 

"What are you here for?" She asked. Before he could say, the nurse interrupted him. 

"Sir, the doctor wants to talk with you," 

"I'll join you," Yeji said and they both headed to see the doctor. They greeted the doctor both took their seats opposite him. 

"Wooyoung, why didn't you tell me you knew Yeji?"

"Ah, I didn't realize it," He said and smiled weakly. 

"Back to the topic... as said before, Y/n's rib is injured. There are a few things she has to follow. If she doesn't, the injury will become severe," The doctor paused. 

"Examining her body, she has been hurt very bad, all over her body. Is there any abuse or something happening to her that you know?" 

"Uh... as far as I know, she w-was being bullied by others but it is being under control now," 

"If she had a past where she is being hurt or feels hurt for a long period, it's in your hands to keep her happy. Listen to her problems. Even if you can't give good advice, listening to someone's problem will make them feel better. Don't make her feel lonely, it may bring all those thoughts back. Make sure she doesn't stress herself and take complete rest," He nodded and thanked the doctor. 

Yeji accompanied Wooyoung to Y/n's room. He sat on the attendee's bed while Yeji looked at Y/n. 

All the things the doctor mentioned kept rewinding in Wooyoung's mind. He felt it was his fault that made Y/n come here. The more he thought about it he was breaking. Tears were falling and he cried his heart out. 

"Hey, why are you crying?" Yeji asked confused and took her seat next to me. 

"She's here because of me. She's hurt because of me," Yeji comforted him by hugging him. 

"It's ok. She'll be fine," The room was filled with Wooyoung's cries. A sudden voice broke the silence. 

"Stop blaming yourself," Wooyoung lifted his head and looked at the bed, to see Y/n awake. He hurried to her side and looked at her with teary eyes. 

"Y-Y/n, you're awake!" He said and held her hands. 

"Are you seeing her behind my back?" She asked and pinched his arm. He shook his head saying no. 

"I'm v-very sorry Y/n. I'm very sorry," He cried and hugged her tight. 

"It's not your fault. I'm ok and there's nothing to worry about," She said and caressed his cheek with her free hand. He kissed her forehead and smiled as he saw her alright. 

"Oh my! You guys are so cute together!" Yeji exclaimed. 

"Y/n this is-" Y/n cut him. 

"Yeji. I know her," She said and they both shared a hug. 


"I'm friends with Ryujin. What do you think me as?" 

"I'll go get the doctor," Wooyoung said and left. Yeji and Y/n were left alone. 

"Don't tell the others we are together. They don't know yet," Y/n said.

"Don't worry. Nothing will go out from here," The doctor soon came and checked her vitals. 

"How are you feeling now?" 

"It hurts a bit, but I'm fine," 

"Can I have a private talk with you?" The doctor asked. The others headed out while the doctor sat next to her. 

"Y/n, we examined your body and took an x-ray. We discovered that a part of the rib was injured," Y/n just listened. He explained what she had to do for it. 

"Do you have any hurtful past?" The question made Y/n think a lot. 

"N-not really," She lied. 

"I promise nothing would go out from here. It's only between you and me," Y/n trusted the doctor and opened up.

"And that's how I ended up with scars and wounds over my body. Facing things both at home and on campus, I had no other choice,"

"Y/n, if you ever feel hurt or something keeps disturbing you, speak it to someone you trust and feel comfortable with. You can even visit a psychologist. The more you tell someone how you feel, the more weight on your shoulders is reduced. You share the pain. I'll give you some painkillers for the injury and regularly keep an ice pack on that region. Rest well and you'll be good,"

"Thank you, doctor," She said and he left. Wooyoung entered alone and sat next to Y/n. 

"Did you tell the others?" She asked. 

"Not yet. You wouldn't want them to crowd around," He said. 

"You know me a lot better," She said and pinched his cheeks. Y/n moved a bit away, giving space for Wooyoung to join her on the bed. She patted the room next to her. Wooyoung lay beside her and embraced her. 

"Does it hurt a lot?" He asked. 

"I'm your girlfriend. If you are someone who can take up any pain, I am the same too," Y/n said and looked at him. Wooyoung pecked her lips and Y/n buried her head into his chest. 

Wooyoung was happy that Y/n was fine. But the doctor's words kept repeating in his mind. 

"You must've heard from the doctor. A part of my rib is injured. He asked me not to get into fights or do any stressful stuff. But... can I be sure that I might not get into one? Every day is a fight," Y/n said. 

"I will make sure you won't get hurt anymore by anyone. I am always here to protect you and keep you safe from all the danger," He said and bit her nose. Y/n started hitting him and they both were goofing around. 

The door opened revealing Mingi with two bags filled with snacks. As he saw the scene in front of him, he dropped the bags down and his eyes grew twice the size. They both looked at the door after hearing the thud. 

They ignored him and continued their goofing. 

"Yah! Am I invisible?" Mingi asked. They looked at him and Wooyoung got up. 

"What are you here for?" He asked. 

"What do you mean? I came here to check on you and this is what I see. Why didn't you tell us she woke up nor that you are together?" Mingi asked. 

"First, you knew what we had, and second, Y/n doesn't like the crowd," Wooyoung said and sat next to Y/n. 

"Don't tell the others about it, yet. When the right time comes, we'll open it up," Y/n said. 

"Now, give us some privacy," Wooyoung said and Mingi headed out. They both continued their romance. 

Remedy for injured heart: LOVE (Wooyoung FF)Where stories live. Discover now