The truth about Jungkook

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Y/n headed to the park and looked around for Jongho. She spotted him by the pond and walked over to him. She seated herself next to him and looked at the view in front of her. 

"Wah! This place is quite nice," She said and inhaled the fresh air. He didn't respond. 

"What are you doing here? It is almost night," I asked. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked. 

"Just wanted to check on you,"

"You should be taking a rest now. And... I apologize on behalf of others for bringing you into something you had nothing to do with and hurting you," He sincerely said.

"We're family after all... And it's okay. It wasn't intentional," There was silence for a while.

"Why are you here anyway?"

"To get some air," He stated bluntly.

"But there is an open space behind the house and a balcony in your room. Why come all the way here?"

"Just like that,"

"I know it might sound like I'm invading your stuff but as a friend to you, I can't sit still and look at you go crazy over yourself... I heard about your mother and your father who came home drunk... It's hard," I paused.

"I don't have any right to judge your parents but I know that what your father did was wrong,"

"But... What he did was also right in a way," I said which made him look at me with shock and fierce eyes.

"What do you mean by right? If it wasn't for him, my mother would've been here," His voice raised a little.

"Why do you think like that? Take it positively. Instead of dealing with your father, she is now in a safer place, protected, and taken care of. She might be worried about you but seeing you happy will also make her happy. Instead of sitting here and thinking over the past, just put on a smile and say that it was for the best," He stayed silent. 

"I envy you though,"

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I wish I had a mom like you... Or someone who cares and cherishes my presence," I said in a low tone. 

"It's getting late. Let's head home," He agreed and we both walked together chatting about random things. He shared the funny moments with the others. 

We entered the house laughing out loud. All of them had their eyes on us. 

"What made you both laugh like this? Mind to share?" Hongjoong asked.

"Hongjoong-ahh never knew that you got your head smacked by Yunho," She said and burst out laughing, imagining the scene. 

"Wah!" Mingi said laughing. 

"What are you laughing for, Mr. Pancake genius?"

"Yah! Why do you have to tell me about that?" Mingi shouted. 

"It is not something to be embarrassed by. If you didn't know it, you could've just withdrawn," Y/n said and headed to her room.

She sat on the bed corner and took her painkillers. She sighed and lay back on the headboard and looked at the ceiling. The bathroom door opened revealing Wooyoung. He smiled as he saw her and lay beside her. Y/n smiled at him and intertwined her fingers with his.  

"When do you want to tell the others about us?" He asked. She forgot that she had to let others know it too. 

"Hm... The others quite know what is between us both but now wouldn't be the best time. And to be honest... I'm not ready to reveal it," She said feeling guilty. 

"Hey, don't be sad about it. When you feel it is right to tell the others, we'll tell them. Till that... we could romance for a while," He said with a smirk on his lips. Y/n moved forward and kissed him passionately. 

Wooyoung slowly moved on top of Y/n without breaking the kiss. Before things could heat up, the doorknob twisted making Y/n push Wooyoung away before the person on the other side could see them. Wooyoung rolled over the bed and fell to the ground.

"Y/n!!" Ryujin ran over to her and hugged her tightly. Behind her stood Yugyeom and Yuna, her cousin.

"Wooyoung, what are you doing there?" Yugyeom asked as their heads shifted to him. 

"Did we... disturb you both in between what you were doing?" He asked. 

"Why is it everyone asks this after disturbing?" Wooyoung asked as he sat next to Y/n. 

"Shut up," Y/n said as she hit his shoulder. The others giggled. 

"What brought you guys here?" She asked. 

"Can't we come over to see you?" Yugyeom asked with a sad pout. 

"As far as I know, you come over only when you need something. At least Ryujin visits me when she's free. Are you so busy that you can't come over here?" Y/n asked with her hands folded.

"I don't want to die in Hongjoong's hands," We all laughed at it. 

"I'll come straight to the point. I'm here for Wooyoung. Yuna's gang needs help from you," Ryujin said. 

"You could've talked to Hongjoong about it," 

"I could've but... he wouldn't probably agree to it. I've asked the other mafia gangs too but they all declined it. I thought you could convince him and accept it," Yuna said. 

"What is it about?" He asked. 

"This is a secret mission... to kill Jungkook," Y/n was shocked as she heard the name. 

"W-what? Jungkook? W-why?" She asked. 

"Y/n, he's not the guy you know. He's the opposite of it," Ryujin stated. 

"Jeon Jungkook, a member of one of the biggest mafia groups, BTS. He is a Playboy but he didn't show himself to you... So, you would be close to him," She said.

"His main aim was to gather as much information as possible from here. He was playing as your friend and observing every small detail here. He may take action any time soon. We must be prepared for it," Yuna said. 

"Don't let him know that you are aware of who he is. If he does, you might be in danger. Let it stay the same until we come up with a plan," Ryujin said. 

"We? How are you... a part of their group?" I asked jokingly. She stayed silent and so did the others. 

"W-What? You are a part of the mafia?! Do you know?" I asked looking at Yugyeom. He nodded his head. 

"Since when?" 

"From the start... before I became friends with you," I was in shock. 

"How come I didn't know? Why wasn't I told about it?" 

"I didn't want you to be worried for me," Suddenly something struck my mind. 

"Wait... if you were a mafia, then you knew..."

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