it hurts. it really does hurt. atsumu couldn't take the pain away and that's for sure. he hates it. he thought that drinking his heart away would slowly but surely ease the pain in his aching heart yet no. it actually made him feel more obvious with the pain slowly creeping all around his body. the memory from earlier made him puke.
the sight of his boyfriend who he thought he knew him the most, he thought he will be his forever, was wrapped by those unfamiliar arms of a man in his past. he may be called dramatic. he may be called a selfish and insensitive bitch but it hurts for the fact he trusted the man, he really did but only to get torn down once again.
tendou isn't doing good as well. he tried to keep his mind off of ushiwaka and that kiyoomi guy that he remembers. he remembered that one of the nights, ushijima would call for him in his sleeps, his closed eyes would slip a single tear while muttering his name. he knew, he hasn't moved on from his ex- partner. from his first love.
ushijima decided to take sakusa with him at the park. they sat in silence after sakusa had wiped the seat because of the wetness from the rain earlier. "you haven't changed, do you?" ushjima said as he chuckled at the sight of sakusa vigorously wiping the seat. sakusa scoffed "of course i am" as he sat down and ushijima following him suite. the tension of the exes where awkward to say the least, after a long time of them being apart from each other.
"are you happy now?" they both said at the same time, making things more awkward between them. ushijima spoke up "as you can see, i'm doing fine and happy with tendou" he said, looking at the man beside him. sakusa could feel a little ache on his heart but shrugged. "glad to hear about you" he replied, averting his gaze from the ground. "about that boy earlier..."
--atsumu..." he said, cutting ushijima off. "right, atsumu. i think he needs you" he said. sakusa could not feel anything and instead he teared up after ushijima mentioned him. "you know, that guy surely loves you. he prepared things for you. i guess he is tendou's client that he took a reservation for the special event that he was talking about" he felt more guilty.
"atsumu loves you more than i did. i love tendou so much. he helped me to go through things before and after we dated. after I left, i heard that he is broken without me. when i left, i realized that there is one more person that needs me the most. kiyoomi, i loved you, i really did. even though i also knew that you have a spot hear in my heart, even though i knew some part of me inside still loves you but i could not do such things to tendou. he now holds the special place in my heart that you once had" he said as he looked up at the greyish skies, smiling a bit.
sakusa admired his side profile. he really did loved ushijima but he couldn't take the risk to let go of atsumu.
"i have always loved you ushi" sakusa spoke, ushijima looked at him. "that day when you left me, i regretted saying shits like that. i realized that i let go of someone that i trusted the most. someone special to me. someone who i truly loved. i'm sorry ushi. but also, thank you" he said, smiling at ushijima. ushijima looked confused.
"because of you, i wouldn't have met atsumu. one day, that idiotic germ came stumbling into my life and he helped me through the pain i felt. i did not trust him at first and i wasn't planning to because i thought you're the only one who i can love forever. but he changed my perspective, taught me how to love once again. thank you. because of you, i met him. i love atsumu, i really do and i'll always will" sakusa said, looking up at the sky.
"what do you say ushijima-san, forget the past and start a new friendship? only friends. nothing more, nothing less" sakusa proposed as ushijima nodded.
"let's stay as friends"

the chaotic adventures of sakuatsu.
Fanfictheir passion ignites and desire clouded their senses. this is their story.