Who are those zombies?

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Alicia walked into the closest shop, I just followed. I noticed, she changed from the gun to a knife. She was holding it in front of her, like she was ready to protect herself in any second. I wondered who would possibly want to hurt her in this destroyed world. She mentioned some zombies. What could she meant? Some group of people named zombie?

Before she started stealing the things from the shelves, she walked all around the shop, like she tried to make sure there was no one there. When she knew it was clear, she got her bag and started putting a lot of things into it.

I walked closer to her. "So, who are those zombies?" I asked.

She froze for a second, then looked at me again, like I just said the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. But I was serious. As she saw, I wasn't joking, she sighed and kept packing things into her bad, while talking:

"Walkers, roamers, biters, infected. However you wanna call them. Zombie was a popular name even before it all started," she said, with a very bored voice.

"Before what started?"

She looked at me again, frowning. "Seriously? You seriously have no idea what's happening?"

"Do I look like I do?"

"We are in a middle of the end of the world. When someone dies, they turn into the walking dead. All they want to do is eat you. The only way to kill them is to destroy their brain."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out of it. What?

"Don't worry. You'll catch up soon. They're all around," she added, before walking away to the next shelves.

I stayed where I was, trying to catch up with my own mind. My old memories were slowly fading away. Like I knew I was someone else before but I couldn't remember who that was. I remember loving and losing and fighting all my life, but I couldn't remember who I loved or lost, what did I fight for. I couldn't even remember how was I there.

And why was I there? Lexa. That name was sitting in my mind. It held a lot of pain, but I didn't know why. Who was she? And why did I call Alicia like that?

"Come on, we're going to the next city. There's nothing more here. My car is a few shops away," Alicia said, standing in front of the closed door. She stared at something. "Here it comes." She looked at me for a second, then pointed at something in front of us.

I walked closer to her. I noticed someone walking to us. Their moves were very slow and limited. One leg was trailing behind them. Then their face. It was all bloody and looked like they were already decaying. But they kept walking into our direction.

Alicia gave me her knife. "Kill it. Eye or temple. As deep as you're able to." Then she opened the door and pushed me outside. I looked at the knife in my hand, then at the walker again.

Eye or temple. Every second, it was getting closer to me. I turned around to Alicia.

"Wait, why am I supposed to kill it?"

She looked at me with horror in her eyes. Before I could turn to the walker again, I felt some strong arms pushing me onto the ground. I turned on it to see the walker hovering over me. It bent down to me. Its mouth moved closer to my body, but before I could do anything about it, I heard a gunshot.

I closed my eyes in instinct and felt something falling on me. As I opened them, I saw the walker's body on me. I felt something wet spilling on my T-shirt.

Alicia pushed it off me and helped me stand up. My whole T-shirt was in blood. She raised it and before I could do anything about it, searched my stomach. I lowered my T-shirt, pushing her away.

"The hell you're doing?"

"I told you to kill it. You could've died."

"You didn't tell my why."

She sighed angrily. "Because it would bite you. If you're bitten, you're dead. If you're dead, you're like them. Do you wanna be like them?" She pointed at the dead body. I looked at it again and shook my head. "Then next time I tell you to kill it, you kill it."

She turned around and started walking away. I stayed where I was. She looked at me again. "Come on, the noise will drag others." I followed her.

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