I care about you, Alicia. You're stuck with me now

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"So, you're just basically riding around these towns, collecting food and fuel? What's the point?" I asked, as Alicia drove to yet another different city. She's said that her plan was to come back to the first city we've been in, but because of Diego she decided to move somewhere else, at least for some time.

"I'm--" she started, but soon paused. For a slight second she looked at me, awkwardly, and then looked at the road again. "You've already met Diego's family, you're in it because of me. You killed one of them to save me," she suddenly started again, I wanted to interrupt her, because it was sounding a lot like she was feeling guilty, but she just kept talking, "so I guess you deserve to know everything. Why and how I got myself into this, from the beginning." I opened my mouth, but nothing came out of it. Alicia surprised me with this decision.

"Well, I mean, I'd be nice if I'd know why few men want to kill me, sure," I nodded, and when I heard her chuckling slightly, I smirked mischievously, happy that I made her laugh.

"But it's a lot, I mind you. Might be even boring. You sure you want to hear it all?"

"How long you said will the trip to next city take?"

"Around two hours--"

"I think I can handle it. At least I won't be bored for the next two hours."

"Okay," Alicia nodded, "you might want to sit more comfortable for this story." I moved my legs on the seat, bringing my knees to my chest, and I started staring at Alicia, but her eyes were fixed on the road." So, I think it all began around few months ago. My mother, brother and I were looking for some good, quiet, and empty place for a few days. My step dad and his son both got bit, and overly their states were getting worse with every day, we just wanted them to have easy and peaceful... end,"

"I'm so sorry," I immediately said. I didn't even think why was Alicia alone and if she had someone here. I never knew what to say in such situations, 'I'm sorry' felt appropriate.

"It's okay. Whatsoever, we found a nice, big store, and we thought it was abandoned-"

"It wasn't?"

She stopped and looked at me without any expression. "No, it wasn't," she answered a few seconds later. "There was a lot of good food and clear water, we didn't think it through, we just used it. I mean, not everything, but as much as we needed. We also used a lot of medical supplies that were there, too. There wasn't too much of that, tho, and my step brother had a huge fever that we didn't have meds for anymore. He was in a really big pain, his temperature didn't even let him fall asleep. It was as he was almost about to fry there. It got really bad. My mom and brother went out together to find anything that could be useful for him, leaving me with them. And then I made a really big mistake... Travis, stepdad, asked me to help him get to the toilet. I left my gun with Chris, the stepbrother. That's when we realized that the store wasn't abandoned. It belonged to Diego and his three brothers. From what I know, when we got to the store, they were out looking for some specific medicine for Diego's youngest brother's asthma. He got back sooner than them tho. He walked in, not knowing that we were inside already. Chris noticed him, but he thought that it was a walker, probably because of the high fever. He grabbed the gun and..."

"He killed him?"

"Yeah, shot right through the heart. I came back running when I heard the gunshot but it was obviously way too late, he was dead. I grabbed the gun from Chris and at the same moment Diego walked in with his brothers. They were holding my mom and brother. When Diego noticed me holding a gun and his brother laying dead, with a gunshot in his chest... well, I think you can imagine what happened next..."

I gasped in shock. "Oh my God! He killed your whole family?!"

She frowned. "What? No!"

"Well, then the hell did he do?"

"He was about to. They both had guns put against their temples. Travis wasn't able to come back from the bathroom on his own, Chris layed there, almost dead..."

"Who the hell are you?" the tallest guy asked me, pointing his gun at me. As soon as they walked in with Nick and mum, I pointed the gun I was holding at them.

"I'm Alicia Clark, I'm so sorry, we were just hiding here, my step brother and father got bit, they are very weak, he--" I stopped for a half second looking at Chris. I had no idea what to do. If I'd say he killed this boy, they would definitely kill him. On the other hand, he was practically dead. "I thought he was a walker."

"How could you mistake a boy with a walker?"

"It's dark, late, I wasn't thinking. I was surprised and scared. Let them go and just take me." I put my hands up and threw away the gun. That might've been the a huge mistake. I felt like I shouldn't have, but at this moment, I most cared about mom and Nick, "Let them live and take me. I killed your little brother, right? Hurt me, torture me, do whatever you want. Just let them take my step dad and brother out of here. They are bit, they are gonna turn soon, dad maybe even turned already in the bathroom." All three of them looked worriedly in the direction of the bathroom.

It was enough for me to walk to the tallest guy, that was obviously the most important there. I grabbed his gun and turned it to him. My finger went to the trigger, but I didn't pull it yet. The other two guy moved Nick and mom closer to their guns.

"Let him go!" one of them screamed. He was holding mum very tightly.

"Please, you are not going to shoot me. You're just a girl," the tall guy said and put his hand forward, on the front. He was about to grab it, but I slightly moved it aside and pulled the trigger. He screamed in agony, holding his hand with another.

"Let them go away and I'll let him live," I said, after kicking the guy in the way that he knelt, still sobbing in pain from the gunshot. I grabbed his a little bit long hair and put the gun to his temple. "I will shoot him. Five seconds." I paused. I was exchanging challenging looks with both brothers. Their scared eyes were gazing off at the guy I was holding.

Next second they both just pushed Nick and mom away. "Pack everything and get out of here, now!" I told Nick.

"Are you crazy? We're not gonna just leave you here," Nick started. "They'll kill you," he whispered, stepping closer to me. Mom was already grabbing Travis out of the toilet.

"Nick, go!" I said, they certainly did not have time for this. For a slight second I looked right into his eyes. He was scared, but not for himself. He was scared for me. I showed him to go.

He sighed for last second wavering, but then he ran straight to Chris and started lifting him up.

My attention went back to both brothers. They were mad. I knew if I didn't get out of here soon, I'd be dead. Mum and Nick ran out of the store and the next moment I heard the engine of our truck start.

"Put the fucking gun down, or we will shoot you," a little overweight brother said, raising his gun to my head. He walked closer.

I stepped back from the guy I was holding and he immediately stood up. "Shoot the bitch," I heard him whispering to the overweight brother.

But I was faster. I've noticed the red canister before. Without thinking much I aimed right at it and pulled the trigger. I tried to at least turn myself but the explosion knocked me out. I was far enough, though. I stood up before any of them realized what just happened and started running. Before I got out of the building, last time I looked at the brothers. The middle one was on fire, screaming in agony.

"So, that's what happened. When I got out, my family wasn't there anymore. I've been running away for quite time. I even tried to find them, but that was the last time I saw them. Diego is looking for me ever since. He's convinced that I killed his little brother and set on fire the one you killed. Also, I shot right through his palm." Alicia was smirking for a few seconds, but then she suddenly got very serious. "And now I dragged you into this shit, too. I'm sorry, Elyza. You're in danger because of me." She looked at me and I knew she meant it.

"I made the decision by killing that guy. And I do not regret it. I care about you, Alicia. You're stuck with me now."

I saw her cheeks getting red. She was embarrassed. She looked at me and smiled truly.

I am so proud of this chapter guys, and I am so excited for the one I wrote today, too.

But it can't be over || Lexark ffWhere stories live. Discover now