Butterfly knife

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Alicia was right. There were so many more cars on the other way. The sun was slowly lowering, though, so we knew we had to be quick. Every car could possibly had something we could use in the future.

Once again, we separated; Alicia taking care of fuel and I of the rest. The first car had a walker. I saw as it finally noticed me, immediately stretching its arms to me through the open, or more likely broken, window. I jumped away quickly.

It started growling, loudly, and I looked around to see if some others may possibly heard. But I only saw Alicia leaning over a car. She was struggling with the canister, but she was alright.

I took out the knife she gave me. I noticed that walker had something carved on his forehead. It was a letter. A.

I killed it with ease, trying not to touch the area of an A. The weight of body fell on me, before I turned it to lay on the ground, facing the sky with the letter.

Alicia soon joined me. As soon as she noticed the A on the walker, she froze, her expression terrified. Slowly, she looked around her.

"They're here..." she whispered.

Her stare locked at something in the forest right behind me. I didn't even get to turn before I felt someone's knife on my throat. Stinky breath right next to my ear, giving me goose bumps on my neck.

"You had some nerve to kill Javier," I heard men's voice, speaking right into my ear.

"Let her go, Diego," Alicia said. Her voice calm, but her eyes sending threats. "You wanted me, not her."

"You're right. I wanted you, but now I want her, too," he spat out. His body was pressed so tightly to mine, that I felt him smirk, as I saw someone creep slowly to Alicia, with a knife, right behind her. She didn't even realize.

I saw the guy take a swing at her head and I looked right into her eyes. "Down!" I screamed, before Diego could cover my mouth with his hand.

Alicia understood, immediately after squating to the ground. The guy behind her didn't see that coming and the force of his swing made him stumble few steps more. Alicia used that time immediately standing to her feet with the butterfly knife opened in her hand.

She grabbed man's head and kicked him under his knees, forcing him to bent down to the ground. Her blade went right under his chin, precisely pressing to it, not too strong, not too light.

"Listen now, Diego. I'm gonna let go of your brother, if you'll let her seat in our car and start the engine. We'll go. You won't see us again. But if a single drop of blood will get out of her, I'll slit your only brother's neck, right here, right now."

They were eyeing each other for a few more second, before he spoke up again. "I'm sorry, Dante," he said, quietly, but then I felt more pressure on my neck.

"NO!" Alicia screamed and before I could even think, something took over my body.

Despite the big pain, I raised my left leg, quickly bringing it to his feet. He jumped, more of surprised then pain. It was enough for me to withdraw my foot, kicking him right into his balls. Before he could react to that, I grabbed my right wrist with left hand and smoothly moved my elbow back, hitting something hard, with a loud crunch.

Diego yawped in pain. I turned to him to see that his whole face was covered with blood as he held his nose with one hand, and balls with other one. There was a clear rage in his eyes.

"To car, Elyza! Now!" I heard Alicia and I didn't need anything more, I passed her and Dante and quickly ran to the car. The keys were already in, I turned them and the engine started with a loud roar.

I didn't know what I was doing, but once again, a quiet voice in my head started to direct my hands and legs. My right hand sat on the stick and with a push on pedals the car started driving. My hand moved to the wheel and I drove right to where Alicia was standing.

For a few more seconds, she cautiously held that guy, before she kicked him onto the ground and ran to the other side of the car. She didn't even close the door properly, as I started driving away fastly.

When we were far away, her body finally relaxed and she stopped looking into the viewing windows. She looked at me and smirked, sighing deeply.

"So, you can drive. That's good."

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