Who was he?

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"Come on, we'll be safe here. Up this ladder," she whispered to me, pointing at the corner of the room.

Upstairs was a one big room. A lot of newspapers, old leaves and sodden desks all around a floor. A burnt circle in the middle with a few piece of woods. Two boxes on either sides of the not yet lighten campfire.

Alicia showed up with a new, dry wood. She stepped to the circle and changed the old ones to new ones. She used a match to lit it up. An orange light covered the floor and walls.

"Much better," she said, quietly. Then she sat at one box and showed me the other one to sit too. "So," she opened her bad, "we've got can with bean, canned food, some nuts, and..." she smiled satisfied, before taking out the last pack, "instant noodle."

I frowned. "I don't know what that is. I'll take bean," I chose.

She shrugged. "Suit yourself." She put it in a close distance of the fire and then took out a small pot out of her bag. She poured some water, put those noodles, and positioned the pot right above the fire.

"So, the question's been sitting in my mind. Who was that guy? He said that you deserve to die. What did he mean?" I finally let those questions, that have been sitting in my mind get out.

She sighed and looked at me. I didn't need a lot to notice, that those questions weren't quite comfortable for her.

"It's fine, if you don't wanna tell me," I immediately added. I didn't feel like forcing something out of her, we've known each other for half a day. "It's just that I'm in it with you now, as I killed that guy. But it's fine. If you don't wanna tell, I'll wait."

Alicia slightly smirked, relieved. She touched the can with the tip of her finger and nodded. "It's ready." She took out some cloth out of this bag and handed me a can with it. "It's hot." Then she gave me a spoon.

"Thank you," I said, trying to hold the can in a way that I wouldn't feel the heat. I grabbed the spoon and started eating. It didn't taste so good, but I was starving, so I didn't say a word about it.

Though, my face showed enough. "That's why I chose noodles. Those beans are really disgusting, but noodles are a whole different thing," Alicia said, chuckling from my disgusted expression. She was now eating, too.

As our stomachs were full and we drank some water, we were ready to go to sleep. Well, I was, cause Alicia preferred to stay on a watch. After a bit of arguing, we agreed that I'd change her in the middle of the night.

She got me some blanket out of her bag and I laid next to the fire, not too close, not too far. I had my eyes closed, I was listening to the quiet crackling of fire, Alicia was also humming some comforting melody. It was very quiet and peaceful. Until I heard another, much louder noise.

A growling.

My eyes already shot up open. I looked at Alicia. She stopped humming and was listening intently to the growling. It seemed like right under us.

She already grabbed her knife. "I'll take care of it," she whispered and walked to the ladder, quietly.

I watched as she disappeared. I could only follow her with my ears. Quiet steps, growling, exerting the blade, impaling, then a loud thumb, the end of growling. And then Alicia's head showed up again, then her whole body. She returned to the seat. Her knife was dripping with blood, but she soon wiped it out onto some leaves.

"Go back to sleep," she told me when she noticed me still staring. I nodded and laid again.

I closed my eyes, sleep came quickly, as I was very tired, but my dreams weren't peaceful.

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