It's you...

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I opened the door to Lexa's chambers and walked in. Candles were lit all around the floor, her beautiful room was shining in all its glory.

Lexa heard me walking in as she soon showed up. She stopped when she realized that it was me. She didn't have her armor on, nor her cloth, or warpaint. Not even her hair were braided, quite opposite, they were falling over her shoulder in a beautiful cascade of brown waves. The only thing that stayed was her forehead piece. And still, without all her things that made the Commander's look, you still saw the power in her. The way she stood, the way she walked, it was all this powerful girl that I knew so well. But I could see through the ruthless side of her now.

"When do you leave?" she asked. She tried to make it seem as it wasn't so meaningful for her, but I knew well enough that she really cared. Her face stayed emotionless, but her eyes were full of fear.

"Now," I said, and she looked down for a second, realizing that this was it. I didn't agree on her offer. "I'm sorry," I immediately added, seeing her disappointed look.

She immediately washed off the disappointment and changed it to understanding.

"Don't be," she answered. We stepped a bit closer to each other. "You have to go back, they are your people." I looked to the side of us, nodding. I really wanted to stay. It just felt so right. "That's why I..." The words caught my attention so quickly, I looked at her. She only smiled ever so slightly. "That's why you are you." She nodded and I couldn't tell if it was a nod to me or to herself.

"Maybe someday, you and I will owe nothing more to our people," I said. I really felt at this moment like it was so possible for us. The future...

"I hope so," she said, admitting feeling of both of us. I hoped so too. She looked down and proposed her hand to me. I took it gladly. "May we meet again..." And we exchanged a grounder-like hand shake, very gentle and slow.

The second our skins connected, I felt this amazing electricity, I looked into her eyes. There was no way she didn't feel it. She was very hesitant, but this was it. This was the right moment.

I pulled her hand closer and leaned over to just kiss her. The moment our lips connected we both knew that it was so right.

It was too magical, we both froze in this kiss. I moved my hand back to me and moved away from her face just to look at her. I saw a tear getting out, her beautiful face looking more vulnerable than ever.

I reconnected our lips once again. Her hand slipped to my neck. Our lips moving a few seconds more, before I let my hands move to her back. Smoothly, I started unwrapping her blouse. We started moving to her bed more.

She pulled away from me and sat on it. We held each other's hand, for a few more seconds just staring at  each other, passionately. Before I moved down to her, she wrapped her arm around my neck, and I hovered over her, as our lips started moving together again, eagerly, hungrily, but still passionately.

Her hands started slipping under my shirt...

"Wake up, Elyza!" someone said very loudly right into my ear.

It startled me so much that I immediately sat up.

"The hell?!" I asked, a bit too loudly, and started rubbing my eyes. "I had a great dream!" I scowled angrily at Alicia.

"Oh did you now? I thought you don't remember your dreams." Alicia crossed her arms, looking at me, with one of her eyebrow raised a bit higher.

"I don't, well maybe a little, but not really. I just have a feeling like it was going somewhere that was really nice." I shrugged, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks, but I wasn't even sure why.

"Who is the Lexa girl? I think it's about the time you start telling me about yourself," Alicia said and looked at me very intensively. I knew she was curious, she knew about me almost nothing. Obviously she wanted to know who was she spending the apocalypse with.

"The thing is that I don't even know. I've been having the flashbacks in my dreams of some life. I don't know if it belonged to me, it seems so much different. There is some war... some betreyal. The only thing that matches it all is..." I thought for a few more seconds. Long brown wavy hair, green fierce eyes, strong hold, beautiful, gentle, yet powerful features, smile of a broken but believing person. I looked up. "It's you..."

Alicia started laughing. "What?"

"Lexa. You are Lexa."

She frowned, still having the amused smile on her face. "The hell are you talking about?! Elyza. I am Alicia. Alicia Clark. I'm not some Lexa. I'm not the one you take me for, maybe we just look alike."

"It's not just alike, you literally look the same. I finally remember her face..."

Alicia frowned even harder. I could see a certain worried look on her face.

"I don't remember what happened next..."

"Elyza, are you alright...?" Alicia exchanged her hand to me, putting it on my arm.

"I-- I need some fresh air, I'm sorry. Give me a few minutes," I stood up and walked out of the place we were sleeping in. It was dark, I didn't even want to go far. I just moved away from the entrance and started looking around, breathing deeply.

What was happening to me...?

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