The plan

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As soon as I walked out I felt a strong hit on the back of my head. It all went black...


"Just let me kill her!"

"No! None of us are going to kill her yet! We will get Alicia to watch as we slit her throat. She'll be able to only cry as this little bird here will slowly start bleeding out. Or maybe we could torture her a bit. Make some cuts here and there. Then we would slowly slit her throat. We won't go for the head, though. When her heart will finally stop beating, Alicia will be a crying mess, then she will have to watch as the girl turns. That's when we will move out. Leave the two of them. Maybe she will be able to kill her or maybe not. That is the plan. And you will stick to it. We're getting to Alicia first."

I was full awake now. My head was throbbing hard and as I touched the back of it. My fingers were red from my blood. I stood up slowly, holding the wall as a security. My head was spiraling, my knees were very wobble.

I looked around me but I didn't recognize anything. Maybe that's the warehouse Alicia told me about. If it didn't burn down back then.

I was in a small, dark room. The only door was closed and there were no windows, so the only light was coming from under the door in a tiny line.

I couldn't make out a lot of it, but I was almost certain that it was fully empty.

I moved to the door, clutching on the handle. I tried opening them but they were locked. I wasn't surprised, I just hoped they didn't hear me. I had no idea what to do. The only way out was the door. And they were locked.

All I could do was to wait for anything to happen. I sat again under the wall that was facing the door and just waited.



The next thing I know is...


I watch as she grabs for the place that quickly turns black with her hand, surprised. She looks at me for half a second, I see the whole world falling apart in her eyes, before she falls to the ground.

Tears falling out on their own, my body forming into the smallest position possible, pain already taking over me.

"Don't be afraid."

This peaceful look, this peaceful smile. She was bleeding out and still trying to comfort me.

Eyes closed, but I could taste the salt of tears already.

"You will never again attempt to harm Clarke. Swear it."

And I just watch. Her green eyes losing the color, the life, and yet she tries keeping me safe.

I take her hand, it's so shaky. She is shaking from the loss of blood. Or maybe I am shaking...

"Hey, Heda, don't you dare give up," I say, even though it's so hard to speak. I have to sniff.

She gives me this slight smile. "I'm not. My spirit will live on." And she so believes it.

"No," I shake my head, firmly. "I'm not letting you die."

She still smiles... "There's nothing you can do now. The next Commander will protect you." She even tries to nod, but she struggles so much.

I can't keep away the tears. "I don't want the next Commander." I shake my head, close my eyes. No. No. No. I finally look at her again. She's waiting. "I want you." She tries smiling.

My whole body shaking, tears everywhere.

"Clarke..." she barely whisperes. She is at the edge.

I grab her hand, firmly, but I hardly feel her squeeze it. "I'm here," I assure her.

This look. This look she gives me. Look I am never meant to forget. The moment I will always remember...

"Ai gonplei ste odon..."

I shake my head so hard. Tears are everywhere, I have to wipe them away to see. "No. No." I firmly disagree, I can't agree. I can't. "I won't accept that."

She just smiles again. "You were right, Clarke..." No... I know what is about to happen. What she's about to say. "Life is about more than just surviving."

"Oh..." I cry out. I hold on to her hand and I mean my every word, like I've never before. "In peace may you leave the shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels. Until our final journey on the ground. May we meet again..."

I hover over her cold body. I press my lips to hers. They are so cold... They don't move. The kiss is one sided... When I pull away, I see her... but she doesn't see me. She is gone...

Screaming. Eyes opened this time. Screaming my lungs out. I can't feel anything, but ripping out in my chest. Pain, unbearable pain.

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