Have you ever used a gun?

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"Have you ever used a gun?" Alicia asked when we were already in the car. On our way here we didn't meet with any walkers. She quickly packed her bag into the car and we drove away. She had a big jeep as a car. It was rather comfortable. Now she was driving. She was good at it, but I couldn't quite tell if I'd be too. I couldn't even remember if I've ever driven a car.

Same with a gun. "I don't know. Maybe." I shook my head at a useless feeling. "I can't remember."

"Well, maybe you'll get some possibility soon to find out," she answered, looking at the street again.

I looked out the window. Buildings were becoming lesser with every passing minute. Soon, we drove out of the destroyed city. All around us was now a plain field. Every now and then I'd notice another walker slowly walking in the afar. Sometimes some would be on the street, but Alicia was always easily skipping them around.

"So, where are we going exactly?" I asked, as we've been driving long enough for me to start wondering about it.

"The next city. I need fuel and some more food. We're gonna sleep there," she answered, still staring at the street, with no specific expression.

Soon, we drove through the forest, and a minute later we got into a city. It was as destroyed and shitty, as the one before. There were a few walkers at the entrance, but Alicia didn't even stop to kill them. She just drove past.

She seemed to know the path very well, which made me wonder, why what was she doing here and why alone? I guessed those question needed to wait, as she pulled away in front of a gas station.

"Stay here," she said, before opening the door of her car. "I'll be quick." And then she got out of it. I saw as she walked to a walker that stood right in front of the door of gas station. She killed it with one, swift move, and then she disappeared behind the door. It was getting darker with every minute, so I couldn't quite see what was going on inside the shop.

It was all going well, not even walkers were getting close the shop, before I saw some fast movement on the street, next to the shop. Someone was running. And not running away. Running toward us, on purpose. I lowered myself on the seat, as much as I could, so that this someone wouldn't notice me. I saw them stopping in front of the shop, before walking in.

I quickly opened the clipboard in the car to see that there was another gun there. I grabbed and got out of the car, running to Alicia.

Something in the back of my head told me to switch off the safety on it and then reload it. I heard a familiar click, I couldn't quite tell why was it familiar, though.

I walked into the shop quietly, already pointing my gun at in front of me. I saw Alicia's bag laying on the floor, a few things flew out of it. As I made a step to the next aisle, I saw them at the end of it. My hands flew up, pointing at the head of the guy, that was holding Alicia from behind her, with a knife on her throat.

"Put it down, girl. She deserves it," he said, with a vicious voice, looking cautiously at me, smirking from behind his red mustache. My hands started sweating and slightly shaking. "It's obvious that you've never had a gun in your hands. Put it down, before you hurt someone."

I saw Alicia looking at me, with a clear fear in her eyes. Her green eyes were looking into mines with some kind of trust and hope. She didn't know hoe to get herself out of this situation. It was just me here.

"Come on, stop playing and give me that," the guy said, stepping a bit closer, with one hand turned to me. This way, he turned Alicia and himself in a way, that I had a clear shot, without risking her life.

I pointed it at his head and pulled a trigger. Alicia froze. A second later, the guy fell to the floor. I could let out a breath I was holding in.

"Thank you," she whispered, breathlessly.

I just nodded. "Let's go. Grab everything you need. They'll come here," I said and walked out the shop to see if any walkers were coming. I didn't notice any, but it got really dark. Soon we won't see anything.

"Come on, Elyza. There could be more of them. I know a safe palce here, few streets away," she said right behind me and we both walked into the car. Before starting the engine, she looked at me and smirked. "I guess you have used a gun and you're quite good at it. That was a really good shot." And so we drove away.

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