Where are you from? Mars?

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"Check the clipboards, I'm gonna check the fuel," Alicia said and we split up.

I walked to the first car and first looked into it to see if there were any walkers. They weren't so I opened the door and got into it. I first checked the clipboard between the seats, but it was empty. I checked the other one. Only some old cookies, long after their term. But on the other seat, under a lot of old newspapers, I found a butterfly knife. I put it into my pocket and got out of the car.

Alicia already moved to the other one and it looked like this one had fuel. I walked there too. There was one walker on the seat, but it looked like it was already killed. I tapped the window few times to see if it'll move to the sound, but it didn't. I opened the door and waited again, cautiously.

It didn't move, so I leaned over him to the first clipboard. There was some T-shirt, so I took it. And the other one had a few packs of matches. I took them, too, and then walked to Alicia, that still was pumping out the fuel from the same car.

"What do you got?" she asked, looking at me for a slight second.

"I have a T-shirt with 'I love America' text," I started, showing it. Alicia chuckled and nodded. "And some matches. Also a butterfly knife. You want it? I have no idea how to use it," I said, taking it out of my pocket.

Alicia pumped out everything and closed the canister. "Yeah, sure," she said and took it from me with one hand.

We both walked into the car and started driving again. All the way to the gas station we haven't met any other cars. This time at the gas station, I didn't let Alicia go inside alone. With knives ready, we walked inside.

She killed the first walker with ease, the other one was mine. I took a firm step to it, as always holding its arm with my hand. I dragged the blade through its head. It fell on the floor and this time my knife wasn't stuck.

"Good job," Alicia said, watching me. She gave me her bag, so that I'd search all shelves as she'd check the fuel.

Shelves looked like many people already searched them before. I found some bandages, old crackers, and some blue candy bars.

Alicia came back with a red canister. It seemed heavy as she held it. She chuckled as she saw what I was holding. "Nice." She nodded, very satisfied. "Check the date." I turned the bar in my hand and showed her. "Still good. Ohhh, it's gonna be delicious."

I frowned and looked at it again. "What's so special about this?"

"Where are you from? Mars?" She stared at me in shock. "Elyza, those are the best sweets ever created!" I just shrugged. I didn't remember anything like that. She sighed, as she saw I didn't quite understand what was it all about. "You're gonna see, what you've been missing." She headed to the exit. "Let's go. We're gonna go back other, longer way." I followed her, with a bag hang over my arm.

As we were both sat in the car, I looked at Alicia. "Why are we going other, longer way?"

She smirked. "Cars on the road."

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