Please, don't hurt her

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"What the hell is wrong with her? What did you do, idiot?"

"I didn't do anything. It was quiet then she started screaming, I walked in and that's how I saw her."

"What's happening with her?"

"I don't know, it kinda looks like she's sleeping."

"Bad dream? I don't think so... Bitch is pulling something off."

It was like I was aware of my surroundings, but couldn't even open my eyes. I didn't have any control over my body. I was just there, blinded by myself, and I could only listen.

But then I felt some strong arms grabbing me and forcing me to sit up. I could just obey, I couldn't do much more about it. I knew who that was. Diego. He put me against the wall. It felt like he tried to open my eyes, but still all I was seeing was darkness. It was overwhelming.

Then I heard gunshot. I no longer could feel any hands on my face. Footsteps, struggling, gasping.

Someone, some other, far more gentle hands, started shaking me. They went from my jacket to my face, wiping something off, putting hair away.

"Hey," a soft whisper. I knew this voice, so familiar, so...

Finally I opened my eyes.

"Lexa..." I only said, seeing her face again.

But she just frowned.

"Come on, we need to get out of here," she started lifting me up, then I saw Dante laying on the ground, blood all around him. That's when I realized. This wasn't Lexa.

"Alicia, but Diego-- this is a trap, he wants to get you, torture you--" I tried telling her, but she kept dragging me out of this building. "Alicia--"

"Diego is not here, Elyza, don't worry," she only answered.

Soon, we were outside again. She put me in the back of her car and started driving away.

Gunshot. Multiple gunshots actually.

"Shit," she said and seemed to drive even faster.

It was hard to tell from the back of the car.

But it was so cozy, so nice, so comfortable...

I just laid my head down slowly. So nice...

Before closing my eyes one last time I looked at her. She turned to me, too.

"Hey, Elyza! Don't. Do not fall asleep! You hear me! Don't!" She tried but it was too hard.

"Just for few minutes," I said, quietly, finally resting my eyes. "Few more minutes..." So nice...


I opened my eyes, sharply.

I was no longer in a car.

The room again.


Not next to me, helping me, though.

She was tied to the wall.

I realized I was tied either, to the chair.

I tried moving but then I felt incredible pain in the back of my neck.

"I wouldn't be moving if I were you, darling..." I heard this disgusting voice behind me.


Then I noticed Dante, not so far from Alicia. He had his gun pointed at her.

"Girls, it's so nice to have you both here," Diego started. "The plan is really simple. Alicia has to feel what we felt. She's gonna watch me slowly kill you," he said, right into my ear.

"Diego please, you don't need to do that. Please, don't hurt her," Alicia begged. "Do you think Marco would have wanted it?"

"You don't speak his name!" he screamed, pointing the knife at her.

I frowned, not knowing what Alicia was doing right now. I really hoped she had a plan.

"He was good, wasn't he? He wasn't destroyed by this world yet. Marco was good, right?"

"You killed him..." Diego whispered. He was now standing beside me, I could see his hands shaking.

"Do you actually think he's proud of you right now? Look at how pathetic this is! So what you finally chased down some girl. You wanna hurt her. Do you really believe it will make your little brother proud?"

"Shut up!" he just screamed in answer.

"You can't be that stupid, Diego, you know what you're doing is wrong. You know Marco wouldn't be proud of any of this. Why are we even here?!"

"Because! I have to avenge him, that's the least he deserves!"

"Bullshit," Alicia said, staring challengingly at him. And then her gaze stopped at me. She looked at his knee for a second, then looked back at Diego.

I waited for him to get in the good position when I kicked him under his knee as hard as I could. He dropped to his knees, the gun and knife flying out of his hands. Alicia immediately ran to him, kicking his face, then grabbing the gun and knife. I realized, while she was talking to Diego, she cut through the rope that was holding her to the wall.

Soon enough, she cut through my ropes too and helped me stand up. I looked back at Diego's body laying at the wet floor. He was out, but alive.

"We gotta go, Elyza, he's gonna wake soon," she said, firmly, and took my hand in hers, dragging me out of there.

I started following her out of the building. Her car was standing outside, already waiting for us. We drove away immediately, leaving Diego, warehouse, and all of that shit behind us, hoping to never come back to it again.

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