You're bleeding!

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Guys I am so sorry, I just realized that the last time I publicated the wrong part. I'm sorry for all of your confusion, here is the rigth part.

But her smirk disappeared quickly, as she stared down at my neck. "Oh my god, you're bleeding! Stop here," she said, showing the roadside, on our right.

I frowned, but did pull up. As soon as the car stopped, Alicia got out of the car and rushed to my side of the car. She opened the door and grabbed some cloth. As her hand connected with my neck, I felt the pain again.

All this stress and adrenaline cut off the pain, but as soon as I was reminded of it again, I actually felt the loss of blood. A huge fatigue took over me. My head felt so light, my eyes either. The darkness was feeling so nice. I smiled slightly and closed my eyes...

My heart was still deep in ache. I still wasn't sure if I could trust Lexa again. She betrayed me, my people, our deal...

Lexa slowly walked to me and dropped to her knees. I watched as her eyes moved from the floor to mine own. She put her hands together in front of her and kept watching me. Like always, Lexa's face was like a clear canva. But her eyes were saying everything.

There was an honesty, like she wanted to assure me that this is not a joke for her, that she means it all. There was a regret; I could see that she felt guilty about what she's done. But there was also some kind of admiration; I still didn't understand it.

"I swear a fealty to you, Clarke kom Skaikru," she started, her green eyes still deep in mine. "I vow to treat your needs as mine own, and your people as my people."

And somehow, I knew she meant it. Somehow, my mind knew she'd try anything to keep her promise to me. Somehow, I believed her and trusted her again. Some part of my mind was telling me to run away as far as I can, but I couldn't, I wasn't able to. As strong as this feeling was, I still wanted to stay...

"Hey, Elyza. It's morning. Come on, wake up," I heard some voice close to my ear. I felt some long fingers tracing hair off my face gently. "Wake up, please."

My eyes still felt heavy, but I opened them. Strong light hit my eyes and I started blinking to move away the sudden pain.

I saw Alicia's features as a first thing. A sloppy, relieved smirk slid across her face.

"Hey, finally. I was starting to worry."

I tried to speak up and sit up, but my throat hurt and head felt heavy.

"What happened?" I was only able to hiss out, quietly, holding my head for the stabilization.

I felt Alicia's hand still tracing my face, gently. I looked at it and as she noticed that, she backed it up, looking down. I wanted to ask her to put it back, but I didn't have the courage.

"Diego cut your neck. You lost a lot of blood, but I was able to stop the bleeding. You passed out, tho." She nodded, as I frowned confused.

But then I remembered yesterday and it all put back together.

"Diego... Did they follow us, find us?" I sat up and started looking around, but Alicia's hand slid on my arm.

"They didn't, don't worry," she answered, putting my mind back at peace.

I nodded and rested in the seat again.

"You know, last night your dream wasn't one of the nicest, but I think today's was nice. You were smiling a lot," she said, smirking to herself.

I sighed. "And what's that smirk about, huh? You think I'd dreamt of you? You flatter yourself way too much!" I chuckled and Alicia started laughing.

For the first time, I really heard her laughing. It was beautiful. Like the sound of quiet water falling from one stream to another. So clear and spotless.

"Whatever it was... or whoever... it made you really happy. You seemed like you were at some kind of peace."

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