It's okay. You're safe.

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Her whole face was covered with blood. Under the black warpaint, cheeks were red. Even her braids had some blood and mud in them. Her expression was firm, no emotions showed. Too many people were watching us.

"I'm sorry, Clarke," she said, quietly. Like a stab into my heart. It was all true. She did betray me. "May we meet again." The only person I could truly trust.

And then she turned around and started walking away, looking so small, but still very gracefull. I watched as her whole army left behind her. Second later she was gone. She left me there. To die.


I sat up and immediately felt a strong arm on me. "Hey, hey." I heard Alicia on the left side of me. She bent down to me, holding me with her arm. She had a very concerned look on her face. "It's okay. You're safe."

I closed my eyes. I heard those words before. Where?

"What happened?" I mumbled, opening my eyes again. I had this feeling on the back of my head again. Why did I feel like I heard this somewhere? How is that even possible?

She moved away, sitting on the box. "You were screaming through your sleep. Calling someone named Lexa." I sighed. Lexa... "Who is she?"

I took my head in my hands, shaking it strongly. I closed my eyes to help myself. I tried to remember her. Who she was. What she did. I didn't even remember the dream anymore. Her face...

"I don't know," I said, sighing again. This feeling was so fucking overwhelming. 

"It's okay. You're okay," she said. I just nodded, sighing again. It was like I was drowning, but I my legs had some weight, that wouldn't let me swim up. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't run away from this feeling...

I sat up and took my place on the box. The fire burnt down already. I looked over the window to see that it was getting brighter. Still few hours to the morning.

"You should get some sleep, too," I told her, already handing her the blanket.

Alicia agreed, her eyes were closing more with every second. She was as tired. She laid in the same place as I did and it didn't take her long to fall asleep. Her breath became steady.


As the sun showed up, Alicia woke up right on cue.

"Hey," I slightly smiled, as I noticed her green eyes smiling to me. Her eyes were smiling, but her expression was serious and worried. It was like that all the time.

"Hey," she answered, with a raspy voice. She sat up and fixed her hair. They changed from the left side to the right side. A few loose strands were sticking off, cutely.

"So, do we have any specific plans today?" I asked. Her days seemed plan, so I just wanted know what was coming next.

"I didn't get fuel yesterday, so we're heading to the close village, that should have some fuel. We're gonna check a few cars on the way there. Then we should come back here again," she said and stood up to her bag. She threw to me some biscuits and in the meantime, started packing all things.

I ate few and left the rest for her. After fulling her bag, she got the biscuits from me and we both walked down. There was a walker in distance.

"You got this?" she asked and I just nodded, taking the knife from her. She started doing something in the back of her car.

I walked slowly and cautiously to it. Eye or temple. As he got closer, I noticed that half of his face was ripped off, so I chose the eyes.

A few meters from me, he already held up his hands, growling at me. I took a step back, pushing it away with one hand by its arm. I aimed at his eye and put the knife right into it. Blood spilled onto my hand, few drops even on my face. 

Before I thought, it already fell, pulling me down. I tried to get the knife out, but it was harder than I imagined. It was stuck.

In the same moment I heard growling right in front of me. I saw another walker roaming into my direction. It was getting closer with every second. I quickly turned to see if Alicia was seeing it, but she wasn't there. Probably inside of the building.

I looked once again at the walker, I felt my heart pounding very quickly, I tried to drag the blade out again. I used my both hands right when the other walker pushed me onto the ground. I already had the knife in my hand. I used the other one to keep its mouth out of my body, then put the knife into its temple. It growled one last time, before I pushed it off my body. My clothes were soaked in a dirty blood.

I saw a hand turned to me. Alicia. I took it gladly, and she helped me stand up.

"I think you're getting better and better," she said, smirking.

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