⚜️ 3 ⚜️

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"I said you would regret it, didn't I?"
He growled and my eyes widened. I was not going to let him do this to me.

I curled my legs around his thighs and held onto his shoulder with the free hand. I used all my strength to flip him over onto the bed.

I was now on top of him and my throat was finally free from his grip.
I pulled out my wand and placed it at his neck.

His eyes were clouded with anger and maybe a hint of astonishment. A muscle in his jaw clenched and I felt him trying to move under me.

I threw my wand to the side as he tried to grab my wrist. I shook it free and punched him at the bridge of his nose.

He let out a high pitched scream as he held his nose and said, "You Bitch!" He fell onto the bed.

I quickly picked up my blanket and walked out of the room as he clutched his nose even tighter.

I went over to the now empty living room and lay down on a couch.

That's when I finally broke down. I started crying, not believing this was happening to me. I wasn't ever going to let him see me cry.

I don't want to do this. But I have to, for Draco, for my family.

That night I cried myself to sleep.


I woke up with a start as I felt someone shaking my arm.

"Huh? Who?"

I saw Draco sitting in front of me on his knees.

I quickly sat up and looked over to the clock. It showed 4 AM.

"Draco. Are you ok? Its 4 AM" I said, my eyes trying to adjust to the lack of light. My voice was groggy and my hair was messed up.

"I'm fine, it's just that I feel guilty."
He said.

"What are talking about?" I asked

"I feel as if it's my fault that you have to sacrifice your life, for me. "

I saw a tiny tear glisten in his eyes. I reached out for his hand and said,

"Draco, listen to me. It's not your fault. This was always going to happen. If not today then maybe tomorrow.

Don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine ok? I love you so much. Don't ever forget that."

A small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. I wiped away his tears as he got up.

"I love you too y/n"

I smiled as he turned to leave but stopped midway, "Wait, why are you sleeping here?"

"Would you rather I slept with Mattheo?"

My eyes widened as soon as the sentence left my mouth. Draco started laughing and I said,

"No no no no no no no no. Not like that. Dammit Draco!"

I threw a cushion at his head as he made his way to his room. I shook my head and went back to sleep.


Mattheo's POV.

I picked my wand from the bedside and quickly fixed my nose. I was about to after her to teach her a lesson, but decided against it. I had only been engaged to her for a few hours. Didn't want my mother to be on my back too.

I went towards the bed and lay down. I looked up at the celling, not having the slightest hint at how quickly my whole life was going to change.


I woke up late that morning. It was already 10 and the sun rays were directly in my eyes.

I sat up and looked around the room. The room was decorated with Slytherin colours. Her bed was draped with dark green silk sheets and the walls had a few Slytherin posters.

I found a picture atop the mantel of the marble fireplace. It was a picture of Y/n with Astoria and Leanne by her side. They were standing in Hogsmeade and the snow was falling on their heads. They were smiling. Y/n was happy. I had never seen her happy.

Y/n hadn't returned at night. I went to the washroom and cleaned myself up.

I rummaged in my rug sack and pulled out a black T-shirt and jeans. I quickly put them on and walked out of the room.

I was trying to find my way around the manor, that's when I came across Y/n. She was sleeping on the couch.

I moved closer to her and saw her tear stained cheeks. She was crying. I felt a pang of guilt? but why? She was the one who broke my nose.

I started to move away from her when her mother came behind me. ugh.

"Mattheo! You're already up!" she said.

"Yes I am." I replied trying my best to be polite.

"Well then we have lots to do, can you wake her up?"

"Me?" I asked

"Of Couse you. She is your fiancée after all."

I did not like the way that sounded. Fiancée. ugh.


I thought she was going to leave the room but she kept standing behind me.

I went up to Y/n and lightly shook her arm. I wouldn't normally be this gentle but her mother wont leave.

When she didn't wake up I gripped her arm a bit more. She finally woke up.

Y/n's POV

I felt someone gripping my arm. I woke up in a haze taking a moment for my eyes to adjust.

When they finally did I saw someone standing over me. It was Mattheo.

"What the fuck..." I said in a whisper and turned away from him.

"What?" He asked.

"My day is going to be so amazing now, the first person's face I see in the morning is yours." I said with sarcasm.

He scoffed and I rolled my eyes before asking him, "What do you want Mattheo?" My voice was still grumpy and so was I.

"Get up Y/N its already 10." He said in his cold voice.

I pulled my covers over my head and gave him the middle finger.

I head someone clear their voice. This voice was feminine. It sounded an awful lot like my mothers.

I quickly shot up and saw my mother standing behind Mattheo who was trying to stop himself from laughing.

I narrowed my eyes at him and walked away to my room. I was still not talking to my mom.

=========End of Part 3============

Hi loves!

I hope you liked this chapter. If you have any suggestions be sure to tell me! Also R.I.P to the great Helen McCrory. The actress who played Narcissa Malfoy in the movies. Rest In Peace.

Love ya,

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