⚜️ Alternate Ending 1⚜️

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~3rd Person Pov

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3rd Person Pov


"I'm sorry Y/N, but it is true."

"No. no. You're lying."

"I'm not."

"I-i don't even know who you are! How am I supposed to trust you!?" She rambled.

"That's not important."

"I'm not going to kill my husband!" Y/N screamed to the mysterious voice in the white room. She refused to believe what she was hearing.

"You have to. You have to be a hero."

"B-but that's not fair! I did what I was supposed to. I did everything I was supposed to!"

"Heros sacrifice their love to save the world." The voice pronounced.

"But I cant! I need him." Y/N argued.

"Yes, you can my child. For the sake of the wizarding world, for the future generations." The voice continued.

"I c-cant. I can not live without him." Y/N said as tears started streaming down her face. She couldn't lose him. She couldn't lose the father to her child. The love of her life.

"It will be hard, I understand but you have to. You've no choice."

"Why me? WHY ME!?" She screamed, pain overcoming her mind and body, her entire life. She collapsed and fell onto her knees, her face buried in her palms.

"Y/N. Be strong. I'm sorry that it has to be this way." The voice whispered, sorrow evident in its tone.

"You are the only hope of the wizarding world Y/N."

"I know but I'm not ready to sacrifice Mattheo. I just cant." She cried. Her eyes were swollen and red, her rose was running and her sleeve was soaked with tears.

"If he dies then there's no reason for me to live."

"Yes, there is. Don't you say that. Think about Osiris. She needs to grow up in a peaceful world, she's your reason to live." The voice said, giving her the strength she needed at that moment.

"For Osiris," Y/N repeated, placing her hand on her belly, tears dripping onto it.
"I need to do this for Osiris."


And with those words, she broke free of his spell. The spell that Voldemort had her under. Coming back to her senses she found herself on her knees, holding her head with the throbbing pain she was feeling. Voldemort stood in front of her, holding the sword she had conjured not moments before.

As Y/N wiped her tears with the back of her hand, Voldemort placed the tip of the sword on her chin, making her look up at him. She was drained of all energy but she had to fight back.

Forced [Mattheo Riddle X Y/N Malfoy] | ✓ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now