⚜️ 10 ⚜️

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I opened my eyes to the sound of birds chirping outside. The room was brightly lit by the sunlight.

As my eyes adjusted I flipped around in place and was met with the sleeping figure of Mattheo.

My mind wandered back to the events of yesterday. It was a wild night, the wedding itself seemed days ago.

Mattheo was sleeping peacefully. His beautiful black curls falling onto his face.

His nose still had the scar that I had given him. His face was just perfect. My eyes fell upon his slowly rising and falling chest.

"You done staring?" He asked in his husky morning voice.

God I love morning voice so much.

"I was not staring". I said looking up at his face. He had a smirk plastered upon his which made a blush creep onto mine.

"Yeah totally." He said while rolling his eyes.

Someone knocked on our door and I got up to open it.

"Good morning!" My mom spoke in her ever cheery voice.

"Good morning mom." I said.

"I hate to disturb you but you are leaving for Hogwarts today."

"Oh I totally forgot about that." I said smacking my head.

"We will pack and be out in a minute."


Once me and Mattheo were both done packing our extremely large trunks, we changed our clothes and dragged them downstairs.

"Now, since you both are, well.. Married, Dumbledore saw it fit that you both share a dorm." Mom announced.

"Oh great, I get to spend more time with my one true love!" I said in a obviously sarcastic tone as I sat down to eat.

He scoffed as we ate our meals.

Mom apparated us to the station and we ran through the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

"Now just because we have to share a dorm, doesn't mean we have to sit in the same cabin." I said and he nodded in agreement.

We both went our separate ways and I made my way down the train in search of my friends.

Once I finally found the cabin with them in it I slid open the door.

I was met with Leanne, Ananya and Astoria who was sitting beside Draco.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while I pushed my trunk inside the cabin with great difficulty.

He looked over to Astoria who looked over to me and I understood it all in one glance.

"Ok. Ground rules for dating my bestfriend." I said as I finally managed to get the trunk inside.

"No. 1. I and ONLY I can insult her."

"No. 2. Do not hurt her in anyway shape or form. If you do just remember that us three will come for you and DESTROY you. I don't care if you're my brother."

"And No. 3. NO PDA. You think I want to see all that?"

I concluded as I sat down next to Ananya.

Astoria was trying to hide her laugh and Draco looked at me wide eyed.

I shrugged my shoulders in a 'What?' Manner.

The rest of the ride was quite peaceful. We laughed and annoyed each other. We ate sweets and practiced spells. It felt as if I was younger again, when I wasn't married.

"I'm gonna go change into my robes, ok?" I announced as I left the cabin to their nods.

I reached the washroom and put them on. The shirt was a bit tighter than before and the skirt a little higher. I personally didn't mind but I didn't know if Mattheo would. He better not.

The wedding band around my finger looked a bit weird with the uniform. I still had not got used to the feeling.

I left to washroom and started walking down the hallway when I pushed to wall in one quick motion.

He held my arms down as I tried to leave.

"Let me go Adrian." I said, spitting out his name.

"My my Y/N, So the rumors are true? At first I was shocked. You don't really seem Mattheo's type."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, my voice cold and stern.

"Well Mattheo really likes more, lets say... Prettier girls." He said brushing his fingers ever so slightly over my thigh.

I shuddered from his touch, my whole body tensing up. I felt as if I was paralyzed.

"I mean I always thought you would be the last to get to even get a boyfriend. Forget about marriage." He said mocking me.

I wanted to fight back, I wanted to stomp on his feet and kick him. I wanted to make him stop. But I could not.

I tried not to let his words affect me but they did. They hurt me so much. Was what he was saying true? Was I really worth so little as he made me feel.

His face came closer to mine and he squeezed my thigh, I tried to fight back but his grip was so strong.

"You're nothing. You're Worthless."

Those words echoed in my head, again and again and again.

Before I knew it Adrian was being yanked away by someone, His grip on my arms getting looser.

I fell to the ground, unable to hear anything that was happening around me.

I could sense a fight going on near me but my brain focused on only those words.

'You're Worthless.'

=========End of part 10===========

Hi loves!

I hope you like this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing this and the ending made me feel bad for Y/N. If it wasn't clear, Y/N is insecure about herself.

*Leave your opinions on Adrian Pucey here*


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