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Draco Malfoy.

Draco malfoy was the face of the person behind that mask. Draco Malfoy was the person that had just tried to kill her. Draco Malfoy who had died under that chandelier. She refused to believe it, refused to believe that her brother would ever try to do that. She had seen him die right in front of her! Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, her throat choking up.

"Draco?" She asked tenderly, her voice trembling.

He just nodded, his body bound with magic, his face begging for mercy. Y/N looked into his eyes, emotion filling her, her mind unable to comprehend things. He looked back at her but Y/N had a feeling tug at her. A feeling that things weren't as they seemed. She lowered him to her eye level, still hovering over the ground a few inches.

His face and whole body looked like that of Draco but there was something else, something that she could only tell by looking into his eyes.

She tilted her head, power radiating off of her, "Who are you?"

"Im draco! Im your brother of course!" the man said, acting flabbergasted.

"Yeah? Tell me what I'm naming the baby then?" She asked, anger fuelling her voice, her breath trembling. A part of her wanted him to answer correctly but the other didn't. She was torn in her own mind. If he did answer correctly she would have her brother back but he would have just tried to kill her. If he answered incorrectly then she would kill the person, scarred for life.

The man in front of her hesitated and she pulled out her wand, reciting the antispell for poly juice potion. A forbidden spell that she had learned because she needed to protect herself.

The face of her brother started melting, his features distorting, his short blond hair growing longer. He struggled against his bonds, his voice changing and ragged gags coming from his throat.

Y/N watched eagerly and as soon as the transformation had been completed, she felt her heart drop. She stared at him, her eyes glossed over, her fingers trembling with anger and power.

Her expression changed and she wanted to look away, to not believe that he would drop this low.

"Why?" Was the only word that her lips formed. There wasn't an inch of remorse on the man's face. He looked evil and crooked as ever, head held high, dark mark glowing on his arm.

"Why not?" He said, voice laced with poison but the smallest hint of fear. He was scared, scared that he was going to die and he was right. Y/N picked up the sword, grazing her thumb over the ruby before placing the tip of the blade at the mans chest, right outside his heart.

"Thank you. Thank you for getting me married to Mattheo. The only good thing you ever did for me, even though your objective was to hurt me. I guess you failed, Dad."

"NO! STOP! PLEASE Y/N! I LOVE YOU!" He pleaded, quite obviously faking it, a pathetic last attempt to live.

"And I loved you."

Y/N said before pushing the blade into the mans body with all her force, her eyes shutting closed, tears streaming down her face. A cloud of black smoke rose from her dead fathers body, launching Y/N's body into the wall. She fell onto her back, pain searing though her body.

In a split second the smoke was gone, leaving behind the remains of her father, sword through his heart, fear forever etched onto his face.

Y/N coughed a few times, clearing her lungs before staggering to her feet. She walked over to him and pulled out the sword, clenching it in between her sleeve before pulling it, wiping it off the blood. Wiping a small tear from her cheek she said,

"That's for Osiris."

Y/N strapped the sword to her back before tearing a piece of cloth from her fathers robes, tying it around the wound on her thigh. She grabbed both ends of the knot and pulled as hard as she could, grunting in pain. Getting to her feet she heard a message in her brain.

"I cant hold this dome much longer!" Mattheo said.
"Let go! There's only 4 horcruxes to go now!" She thought out loud.

"I um- I killed dad" Y/N muttered, pain filling her voice.
"Im sorry" Mattheo said but his thought was soon interrupted by the unmistakable sound of the dome breaking apart, roars of hundreds of people rushing into the Hogwarts grounds.

"Im coming outside, make sure one of you are there!" Y/N screamed before taking off, running down the spiral staircase, sword in tow, her footsteps growing louder as she ran.

She flew down the moving staircases. Deatheathers were starting to get into the castle now. She held her wand tightly fighting off any that came her way.

She reached the main hall where she found 3 coming her way.

"Hello boys." She said before forming her powers in her palm, levitating over the ground, using them to uproot the concrete from the floor. The men came running and she hit them in the head. One of them jumped on top of the concrete, making his way towards Y/N. He leapt from the stone as soon as Y/N threw it into the nearest wall. He latched on her back, tugging at the sword.

Y/N turned on her self, rolling onto the floor before coming to her feet. The man in front of her shot spells from his wand that were deflected by Y/N protective armour.

She tried holding him into the space she was manipulating but her turned out to be too quick. Y/N hid behind a pillar, regaining her breath before looking back at her opponent. Spells hit the pillar repeatedly as she had trouble holding him off.

"Bombarda Maxima!" The man screamed and Y/N ran just in time as the pillar came crumbling down onto the floor. She rolled away from the wreckage. Pieces of brick flying everywhere.

"Crucio!" The man screamed through the dust, firing blindly. Y/N dodged all the sparks of red light as they came towards her until she felt one hit her.

=== End of Part 39 ===

Hi loves!

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Day 6 of 12 days of updates! Im sorry I missed yesterday, I had no will to write but didn't want to give y'all a mediocre chapter! Plus the response hasn't been that great so that is kinda demotivating but anyways! 1 horcrux down, 4 more to go!

Thank you for all the support, I genuinely appreciate it <3

P / Paridhi Prabhakar
Word count : 1134

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