⚜️ 6 ⚜️

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The next few days were chaotic. Everyone in the house was focused on making sure the wedding was perfect.

Mattheo was still ignoring me but I didn't care. I got to spend so much time with my best friends and just sitting around because apparently the bride doesn't have to do any work.

That was great. We met Ananya and she is the sweetest person ever. Not to mention she is so beautiful. Leanne is so lucky.

I also noticed that Astoria and Draco were spending a fair amount of time together. They look so cute.


It was the day before the wedding. Mattheo and Me had been put in rooms in the opposite ends of the house.

Something about not seeing each other before the wedding. This was perfectly fine with me. I wanted to spend my last night in peace.

It was around 8 pm and all the bridesmaids had just entered my room.

I was sitting peacefully on my bed when Ananya burst through the door, "ITS TIME TO GET DRUNK BITCHESS"

She was holding 2 bottles of firewhiskey and we all were more than ready to get drunk.

We sat down in a circle on the floor. Cast a silencing spell on the door and started drinking. We downed  3 shots each and then Leanne spoke up,


We all toast to that and drank our drinks.

"Lets play truth or dare!" Astoria spoke up.

We put the now empty bottle of firewhiskey on the floor and spun it around.

It landed on me.

"Y/N Truth or Dare?"

"Hmmm Truth!"

"Ok so, there must be one thing you're looking forward to?" Astoria asked.

"Not really. I'm marrying my enemy so Nope." I said.

"GURL PLEASE. HE IS HOTTT" Ananya spoke up.

Leanne smacked her arm but she kept going,


"Ananya!" I shout out giving her a slight shove.

We all started laughing. It was clear we were very drunk.

"OK lets move on.." I said and spun the bottle.

We played a few more rounds with Dares which led to more shots and some hot tea being spilled.

I spun the bottle and it landed on Astoria.

"Astoria, Truth or Dare?"


"Go to Draco's room and Kiss him!"

"What?! Y/N you're mad!"

"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" We started chanting and she finally got up.

"Fine I'll do it!" She spoke out and we cheered.

I got up and slowly opened the door. I poked my head out to make sure no one was outside.

Once it was all clear I gave them the go ahead and we tiptoed over to Draco's room, which wasn't far from ours.

Once we got there I slowly opened the door and peaked inside. He was fast asleep. I mean obviously. Its 3 Am.

I opened the door and we all went inside. Astoria went towards the bed and we stood behind. Watching.

She lightly hovered above him before kissing him full on the lips. Draco abruptly awoke and sat up.

Astoria was taken aback and started moving away from the bed. She felt embarrassed.

Draco pulled her back to him and kissed her passionately.

We all started cheering loudly as they kissed!

They finally broke apart and smiled at each other.

"SOOO you guys are a thing now huh?" I asked nudging Astoria.

"I don't know. Are we?" Draco asked looking to Astoria for answers.

She smiled at him and kissed him again. This was all the answer he needed and swept Astoria off her feet.

We smiled at them both and left the room to give them some... Privacy.

We quietly sneaked back to the room. Leanne and Ananya crashed on the bed.

I was feeling a bit hungry so I went down to the kitchen.

I was hammered and hungry.

When I entered the kitchen I saw someone standing near the fridge. I slyly picked up a kitchen knife and pointed it at them before asking,

"Who are you."

He turned around but I couldn't make out his face in the darkness.

I was not risking being in another fight with a death eater.

He stepped closer to me when I pointed the knife more sharply,

"Don't move."

He didn't listen as still kept stepping towards me. With every step he took ahead I took one back.

My back hit the wall and I turned to look at the man. He was so close to me now that our bodies were almost touching.

He grabbed my wrist making me drop the knife. "Who are you?!" I asked trying to free my wrist.

"Who do you think, Darling?"

I recognized the voice immediately. It was Mattheo. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Were not supposed to be near each other Mattheo." I said, his lips only inches from mine.

If either of us moved even a bit we would be kissing.

"Since when do you care about rules Y/N?" He said in a barely audible whisper.

My breathing started getting heavier and louder.

I could see his eyes clearly now. They moved from mine to my lips and back.

A shudder went down my back. I think the alcohol took better of me as I bridged the gap between us, kissing him warmly.

His hands moved from beside me to my waist. He leaned forward and deepened the kiss.

His lips were soft and his body felt warm against mine. I knew this was wrong, but why then did it feel so right?

Something clicked in my drunk brain and I finally pushed him off me. It took a surprising amount of effort, given the fact that he wasn't even trying to resist my shove.

He looked at me with confused eyes. I gathered myself and left without another word.

I ran up to my room and sat on the floor against my door. My heart was pounding. I had just kissed Mattheo?

==========End of part 6===========

Hi Loves!

I hope you liked this chapter! It was very chaotic to say the least. So I'm going to be introducing a new character in the next part.

Make sure to vote and follow for regular updates!


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