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The brewing storm had reached its peak now. The heavy and dark clouds looming above the forset had begun pelting anyone that stood under them. Bitter gusts of wind ripped the leaves from their branches. Animals hid underground, in hopes of waiting out the storm. The temperature had dropped and chills ran through the skin. Goosebumps stood at attention, shivers making their way down her spine.

Y/N had continued tearing her way through the death eaters. Black wisps loomed between trees and before they could be noticed, death eaters were lifted off their feet, choked, strangled and thrown into the endless abyss of the black lake, the calm glassy ripples of which had now turned into violent churning.

Y/N's drenched clothes clung to her skin, her wet hair in bunches having fallen loose from the bun she had made. Her fingers moved faster than the lighting struck. She jumped through the trees with the speed of a leopard. She had no idea where Voldemort was but as of this moment, her only worry was to defeat anyone that came her way. She saw red, blood red. The blood of her friends that had been spilt because of her. The bloodshed that had registered itself into her ledger was desperate to be wiped out.

Her mind was clouded with this desire, clouding her ability to reason and differentiate. Anyone who came in front of her at that moment would die a gruesome death.

Coming closer to a clearing she noticed the dark mark folding in on itself in the sky. Treating it as her north star she started towards it, hoping to find her father in law underneath it and kill him. Once and for all. All she needed was a signal from her husband that the last Horcrux - Rudolphous Lestrange - was dead.

The distance between her and the mark had started to decrease, and the nerves in the pit of her stomach grew. The closer she got, the more densely packed the death eaters got. Her foot stumbled at one point but she recovered rather quickly, tearing apart the hand of the man who had tried to hold onto it.

Inches away from the mark she saw one last man standing, right in the middle of the circular clearing. His hood was pulled over his head, droplets of water fell from the edge of the fabric and onto the ground beneath him. His slender hands were clasped together, his wand resting between his index and middle finger.

She approached him as he stood eerily calm. Her appearance was rather tattered. Bruises littered her body, a large piece of fabric missing from her overalls and instead tied onto her arm to contain the bleeding. The storm was working on cue and as she stepped foot into the circle a bright hot strike of lighting and thunder rang through the sky.

"It cruel of them to make you fight me." He whispered.
"And why is that?" Y/N asked, a curious edge to her voice.
"You can never win." He tutted.
Y/N scoffed.

"It's not your fault." He said, "You don't have to do this, my child, join me and we can rule over the world."
"You killed my friends. You killed my FAMILY!" Y/N screamed, pain overcoming her with memories of her brother.

Forced [Mattheo Riddle X Y/N Malfoy] | ✓ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now