⚜️ 15 ⚜️

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Mattheo's POV

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Mattheo's POV.

I awoke to the figure of Y/N peacefully sleeping in my arms.

I looked down at her beautiful face. The way her hair fell past her shoulders and her soft rosy lips. The way her eyelashes curled upwards ever so slightly, and her cute little nose.

Every detail was so beautiful as if the gods had carved it themselves.

I was coming to recognise how lucky I was. She was all mine already. No one else could have her now.

I pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. Her eyes quickly fluttered open and she looked up at me.

"Good morning Mrs. Riddle" I softly whispered.

I could see a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" She asked softly, turning towards me; her fingers tracing small circles on my arm.

"Its the truth. You're mine and mine only." I whispered.

"So are you." She said and leaned up to leave a soft kiss on my lips.

We scrambled out of bed and put on our robes, it was a saturday so we didnt have any classes.

We walked down to breakfast hand in hand. When we entered the great hall, Y/N's friends looked at us wide eyed.

Leanne's POV

Mattheo and Y/N sat in their usual seats. It looked like they werent aware of what we went through.

I cleared my throat before asking, "Soo Y/N, Do you know what happened last night?"

"Not really, I was knocked out cold." She replied after hesitating for a second.

"Why? D-did you guys see anything?" She asked with fear noticable in her voice.

"More like what we heard!" I replied.

Y/N started coughing and mattheo rubbed her back while giving me the death stare.

"What you heard? I-i Dont know what you're talking about" She whisper shouted.

"Hmm lets see, 'Yes mattheo! Oh fuck! Yes!" I said in a mocking moaning voice.

I watched as the colour drained from her face. She went pale as her eyes widened to the size of grapes.

"Can I talk to you for a minute mattheo? ALONE." She asked him, clearly trying her best to stay calm.

Mattheo on the other hand looked like he had just seen a ghost. He reluctantly followed Y/N out the hall.

Me, annanya and astoria quietly got up and tiptoed to the end of the hall.

"I THOUGHT YOU HAD A SILENCING CHARM ON THE DOOR!" a scream was heard, obviously coming from Y/N

We tried our best to hold in our laughter as to not blow our cover.

"I-i must have f-forgot!" He stammered.

"HOW CAN YOU FORGET SUCH A THING!" She screamed again, this time with the unmistakable sound of flesh hitting stone.

We quickly ran outside to save the poor guys soul.

He was up against the wall and Y/N was standing over him with her wand to his neck.

He looked at us pleadingly and we immediately got to work.

Annanya and Astoria pulled her away as I quickly made way for mattheo to fucking bolt.

"LET ME GO!" Y/N shouted.

"Omg Y/N, you are w-way stronger than I had imagined" Annaya stuttered trying her best to hold her.

We took her to the courtyard and tried to potentially calm her down.

"How much did you guys hear?" She asked with her head in her hands.

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

"Now that I think about it, NO."

"Probably for the best."

We spent about an hour with her, making her calm down and hoping mattheo was far away by now.

"You know what, you need to get distracted. Lets go out today. Just the four of us. ok?"

"Yeah sure, why not."

"Good, so we will see you at 9 in the common room."


Y/N's Pov.

I was still fuming but it was to the point where I didnt want to kill him anymore so thats fun.

I made my way back to the dorm to find a dress to wear to this thing.

I got into the common room to see someone sitting on the couch. He had curly black hair and looked an awful lot like mattheo, just older?

"Hi" I spoke up sitting on the plush armchair across from him.

"Hi" He said to me as he sat upright.

"You're Y/N right?" He asked. Okay this is creepy.

"How do you know my name?" I asked with genuine confusion.

"Oh im sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Im Aren Marvolo Riddle."

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"Wait, d-did you say riddle?" I asked, very very confused.

"Yes, ofcourse I did. Wait, did mattheo not tell you about me?" He asked

"No, no he didnt. But how come you werent at the wedding then?"

"I didnt get time off from durmstrang. They dont really send us home for christmas."

"You're in durmstrang?"

"Was. Im here now!"

"Y/N? Who are you talking to-' I heard mattheo's voice ring out from the stairs.

He was cut off mid sentence when he got downstairs to see Aren.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He screamed at him.

"What do you mean brother. I attend hogwarts now!"


"Relax. We were just having a conversation" Aren said before softly kissing my hand and leaving the common room.

"GO TO THE DORM RIGHT NOW." Mattheo said, not looking at me but rather looking at the floor, his hand and jaw clenched


"NOW. YOU DONT WANT ME TO REPEAT MYSELF." He said again, his voice dark and threatening.

"Fine" I said before stomping off to the room.

=========End of part 15===========

Hi loves!

I hope you liked this chapter! I did introduce a new charecter, things will get clearer with the next chapter.

Thank you guys so so much for 17K reads. Its almost unbelievable.

For those wondering, I will be updating both books every sunday.


p.s i did not bother to proofread

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