⚜️ 11 ⚜️

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"Y/N! Y/N!"

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"Y/N! Y/N!"



I heard the muffled voices of someone calling out to me. I forced myself to focus back into reality.


I heard the soft voice of mattheo calling out my name.

"Huh? oh. Mattheo!" I screamed and leaped onto his arms.

I didnt care whose shoulder it was, all that mattered was that I was safe. I broke down in mattheo's lap as he gently carried me back to his cabin.

Thats when I passed out.

Mattheo's POV

I saw adrian all over some girl. It wasnt unusual, he was always having random hookups. Not that I cared.

Upon getting a bit closer I recognised the girl. It was Y/N?!

She looked very uncomfortable and was writhing underneath his touch.

A rage built up inside of me, My anger taking over. How dare he hold her over the wall. HOW DARE HE PUT HIS HANDS ALL OVER HER. ONLY I WAS ALLOWED TO DO THAT.

I ran over to him and pulled him back by his shirt. I threw him onto the floor and started punching his face.

"THAT. IS. MY. WIFE." I screamed in his face, accentuating each word with a bone shattering puch. "HOW DARE YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKER."

I screamed out loud as multiple people pulled me away from him. His nose was clearly broken and he lay there unconcious.

I freed myself from the people and turned to Y/N. She was curled up on the floor. crying. How I hated seeing her like this.

I hastily went up to her and tried to call out to her, but she didnt respond. It was as if she was in a type of trance.

I started to panic when she didnt respond for the thrid time. I shook her a lot and when she finally responded I let out a sigh of relief.

She lept into my arms and I carried her to my cabin. By the time we got there, Y/N had already passed out. I checked her entire body for injuries and found some on her arms.

I quickly fixed them and adjusted her head so that it was in my lap. She slept peacefully as I stared down at her. She always looked so beautiful, even with scars and dark circles.

What was this feeling? This warm, fuzzy, indescribable feeling. It was something i had never felt for anyone before. How was I to finish voldemort's task if I had feelings?

I couldn't catch feelings, otherwise the task would become too unbearable to complete.

My thoughts lingered on as I stared out of the window, the trees zipping by.


It was late evening now, the train had finally come to a stop. I gently shook Y/N awake and picked up my satchel.

She rubbed her eyes as I got up from my seat. Her hair was all messed up in a bun, Girls look cute with buns in my opinion.

She got up and picked up her bag too, we were about to leave when she stopped abruptly.

She looked into my eyes and asked, "W-what if he is there again?"

I could see the fear in her eyes, it killed me to see how someone so insignificant could cause her so much pain.

The ever fierce girl who would fight off multiple death eaters in an instant was now fearful of a medicore boy. What had he done? Did he say something? I had to know.

I looked down at her and said, "I dont think he will be able to walk for a few days."

She looked at me with a suprised look on her face. The suprise turned into a silly smile and we both started laughing.

We got off the train and onto the platform, apparently everyone was gone by now so we had to walk to the school.

It wasn't far away, so it was not much of a bother. We walked together and for once in my life I felt happy, I was content in that moment.

We went straight to our dorms, not bothered to eat anymore. I needed some questions answered.

"Pureblood" I whispered to the wall and It opened up to the slytherin common room.

There were green couches everywhere and some very comfotable looking chairs.

Since the common room was in the dungeon it was underwater. The black lake gave the room a green etheral glow. The flames in the fireplace danced with a green hue.

We made our way to the dorms and stopped before one door, marked with letters in silver.

Mattheo Marvolo Riddle
Y/n Narcissa Riddle

"Oh god that looks weird." Y/n spoke out.

"What looks weird?" I asked checking the names for spelling mistakes.

"The riddle in front of my name." She groaned.

"Well whether you like it not, you are a riddle now." I replied with a smug grin.

She rolled her eyes and pushed open the door.

Y/n's POV

The dorm had two seprate beds on either sides with a big table in between them. It was like any other dorm with just two less beds.

Our stuff had already been brought up and everything was set. We sat down on our beds as I proceded to tell mattheo about what happened.

Halfway though, a letter was dropped into the room thorough the chimney. Owls after all cant fly underwater.

He picked up the letter and read it. He furrowed his brow a lot and a few huffs left his lips.

He turned to the fireplace and burnt the letter before leaving without another word.

Why does he keep doing that? Leaving so suddenly?

I took a bath and put myself to sleep..

Mattheo's POV

"Is the task done yet?" His snake like voice spoke out.

"Its been two days, give me some time." I replied clearly annoyed.

"You shall not talk to me like that, you insolent child!" His voice rang out as he drew his wand.


==========End of part 11==========

Hi loves! I hope you liked this chapter! I know there were a lot of POV changes but its cause they make the story better. I wrote the whole thing in opposite POV's as well and this one was just better!

Remeber to vote for more and make sure to follow me because wattpad may take down this book and you wont able to find it if I re-upload.

Thank you for all the love! 3K reads is so much! Thank you loves!


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