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I started walking to my room only to realize Mattheo was right behind me.

"Why are you following me?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Because you are my Fiancée and I need to go to our room." He replied with smug grin.

I turned towards back towards the stairs and said,

"Don't call me that."

Fiancée, Ugh that even sounds wrong.

"Call you what? Fiancée?"

I Just sighed loudly and continued on to my room. Wait. I whipped around again

"Our room? What do you mean by Our room?" I asked.

"Are you really that thick? We are engaged. Obviously we are going to share a room." He said.

"Not that I'm happy about it."

"Don't worry, I'm not exactly thrilled either." I spat as we stood outside the door of the room.

"Now if you don't mind I have to change." I said and closed the door on his face.

I let out a frustrated groan and went over to my closet. I picked out a turtleneck black full sleeved sweater with a brown checkered skirt. I threw on some leggings for good measure. I mean mom would never let me wear something like jeans outside.

 I mean mom would never let me wear something like jeans outside

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I went back down to the dining hall to get breakfast. My mom and dad were sitting next to each other, leaving the only vacant seat next to.......Mattheo.

I sat down and put a piece on toast on my plate.

My dad spoke up first and said, "Since your wedding is merely 5 days away you three will go dress shopping today."


"You're taking Draco with you. He needs a suit too."


Draco came down in a bit. I was almost done with my food by now. As soon as he sat down my mother got up and told us to be at the doorstep in five minutes.

Forced [Mattheo Riddle X Y/N Malfoy] | ✓ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now