⚜️ 19 ⚜️

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3rd Person Pov

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3rd Person Pov

Grief hung low in everyones hearts. The air itself felt heavy and dense. Every breath felt like it was forced.

Everyone felt the pain. The pain that comes with mourning, but it is essential you feel this pain for it is the only way to move on.

With their hearts heavy they took dull steps, each one punctuated by the heavy sighs that came from carrying her weight.

She was remembered not as the lifeless being that they had seen on the floor that day but as the bubbly, amazing individual everyone knew her to be.

She was put into a mahogany coffin and lowered into the earth, becoming one with the land which she came from.

A streak of lightning passed accross the sky and the clouds started pouring as though the gates of heaven had opened to let her beautiful soul in.

She passed the threshold and ascended into the sky as they walked away once again saying their final goodbyes.

The castle was dry, its walls barren of the decorations that hung there only days ago. Grey banners lay there instead.

The week had been given off from classes as a mourning period. Very dear friends refused to leave their dorms while others simply used this time to catch up on their work.

One individual however was doing no such thing. He sat in the hospital wing day and night not daring to leave the side of his love.

Y/N was unconscious, as she had been for the past 2 days. Her face bore a peaceful expression but as his eyes traveled further down they revealed the true horrors she had been through.

Her right arm now bore a scar, very similar to the one worn by the other since birth.

Multiple bruises lined her face, with a cut up lip and black eye. Her skin was cold, ice cold as she were void of any energy she used to be full of.

These were only the physical scars, the mental ones were yet to be revealed and he feared he would add onto them when he delivered the devastating news.

The hospital wing was quiet, serene as the light poured inside though the stained glass windows.

For days he had not eaten, For days he had not slept. He had simply been sitting there in the same chair as his thoughts flicked though a million things.

Three more days came and went and he was given the permission to take Y/N up to the room until she awoke. Her bruises had healed and her scars had filled except for the one that looked like a skull.

He picked her up and walked down the staircase into the dungeons. He pushed open the common room door to reveal not a single soul seated inside.

He let out a heavy sigh and carried her all the way to their room. He lay her down on the bed softly and pulled blankets over her sleeping form.

It was late evening before he heard signs of movement. He walked over her bedside eager to see his love finally awake.

Her eyes fluttered open as they came into focus. She was staring up at the celling before turing to the side where someone had softly called her name from.

She looked him up and down before she shot up in bed, sitting straight before asking in a very rushed voice.

"Where is leanne? I need to talk to her."

His heart broke into a million little pieces upon hearing those words. She looked at him with hope swimming in her eyes.

He simply looked back at her with a dull expression nodding his head ever so slightly.

"no. NO! YOU'RE LYING TO ME!" She screamed as mattheo backed away from the bed.

A tear escaped her eyes as she came to her senses and realised.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She screamed as she ran into his arms, screaming and kicking in pain.

She hit his chest again and again as she cried. "YOU DID THIS TO ME! YOU DID THIS TO HER!"

She screamed yet again hitting his arms with all her might and He let her. He let her hurt him because he knew he deserved it.

He brought his arms around her waist as she broke down, her head against his chest

"You m-monster." She mumbled her tears running down her face and seeping through his shirt.

She felt a drop fall onto her head as she looked up to see mattheo's eyes full threatening to spill over any minute.

He sat down on the floor as Y/N sobbed into his arm. They both held eachother as they let it all out.

All the pain, all the misery they felt was being expressed in that one vulnerable moment.

Mattheo let out a loud ear shattering scream with the pain that now gripped his mind. Leanne was gone, Y/N was extremely hurt and It was all because of him. All because he agreed to do some stupid task.

She looked up at him to see all the pain, all the suffering he had gone though. She saw a truly broken boy inside, trembling and desperate for help. He had been tortured, mentally and physically. She brought her hand up and cupped the side of his face.

He leaned into her touch as they sat there for a few more moments, clutching eachother like their lives depended on it.

"I am so so sorry Y/N." He whispered to her. "I did not want to do this, but if I didnt he would kill you and me. You're the only one Ive truly loved and he threatened to destroy you. I couldn't bear the thought of you being taken away from me."

Tears fell from his eyes onto her hand. He held her hand tightly in his and looked to her for an answer.

"D-did you just say you love me?" She asked, her voice hoarse from the screaming.

"I did. I love you Y/N. So so much."

"I love you too mattheo. So much. I dont trust you, but I do love you and there is no use denying that any further."

==========End of Part 19==========

Hi loves!

I hope you liked this chapter! I put in extra effort to writing because I wanted you all to feel the pain they are going though.

If you cried its alright, I cried while writing this 😃

Anyways another huge thank you for 50K

Stay inside loves, Stay safe ❤️


Word count : 1103

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