⚜️ 25 ⚜️

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Y/N walked back to the three broomsticks in utter confusion

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Y/N walked back to the three broomsticks in utter confusion. She was falling one second and standing upright the next? Her heart was still racing as she held the sliverly knob of the door in her palm and pushed it open. She was met with the familiar smell of butterbeer brewing in the cauldrons as various types of meals were being cooked. The windows were tainted a light brown, giving the place a smoggy hue, an unexplainable heaviness which was inviting yet somehow dark. A multitude of wizards sat at the tables wearing all sorts of robes. More elder wizards wore traditional summer robes with the light yellows and mustards whereas the younger ones wore more comfortable muggle clothing, effectively disgusing themseleves. Y/N slowly made her way through the maze of tables to the one where her true family was seated. Sirius and Remus were sitting opposite them and their hands were resting on the table, their fingers entwined as Sirius rested his head against Remus's shoulder. Y/N sat down next to mattheo and he immediately held her hand in his, resting it atop the table. Y/N looked at him with a suprised look before he leaned towards her ear and whispered, "I was feeling left out."

Y/N smiled lightly at this small yet cute gesture and nuzzled her head in the nook of his neck. Sirius and Remus looked over at Mattheo and gave him a thumbs up. A smile spread onto his face as he gave a little kiss to the top of Y/N's head. It was a serene day, filled with happiness and laughs, something Mattheo had grown fond of in his time with the Black's. The late afternoon make the sun-rays fall perfectly into the earth as everyone looked content with their lunches. The atmosphere around lulled a sense of calm and joy. Y/N had fallen asleep in his arms, just as the blacks were finishing up their drinks. The calmness of the afternoon overtook them, it was the most peaceful day, until it wasn't.

A deafening bang was heard from outside which jolted Y/N awake from her sleep. They jumped up with their wands in their hand as someone peered through the window to get a glimpse of what was to ensue. The street looked barren and empty. Not a soul to be found as far as the eye would go. The person looked in all the directions before their eyes travelled upwards. The once bright afternoon sky was now covered in dark stormy clouds as a hideous green snake slithered though the mouth of a skull and formed in the sky. "ITS THE DARK MARK!" The person yelled as chaos ensued. The door of the bar flew off its hinges as multiple deatheaters stormed inside. Cowards jumped up and apparated away as others decided to fight bravely. Sirius and Remus pulled out their wands and stared fighting them. Y/N gripped hers tightly as she tried to make sense of the situation. Her eyes travelled though the crowd as she mentally mapped a way out without being stuck in the stampede. She held Mattheo's arm tightly and started walking though the swarm of people, careful to not be hit by the spells flying everywhere.

People were shouting as the dark robes flowed at their ankles and pulled them backwards. The deatheaters laughed manically as they hurt the numerous innocent people there. The dark of their robes clashed with the light of the people who had remained to fight. The two colours though polar opposites were the same thing at the end of the day. Humans. It was pitiful how difficult that was for some people to understand. The sound of furniture breaking overtook the room as Y/N ducked just in time so that the bolt flying towards her hit the window instead, which now lay there shattered. Then she heard it, the familiar cackle she had heard multiple times before. A chill ran down her spine, it wasn't possible. She had killed Cameilla, there was no way she could be back. Y/N promptly turned around to be met with the sinister face of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Well well, look what we have here." She said looking towards Y/N. Y/N pulled out her wand and pointed it sharply before they began to duel. Bellatrix keep shooting curses left and right, which Y/N expertly avoided. She threw a spell towards Bellatrix which made her stumble on her feet.

"She knows how to play!" Bella screamed before her words dissolved into a breathy laugh. "Looks like we're gonna have to do better!" She said again. Mattheo rose from behind Y/N and stood in front of her as Bellatrix looked at him with a sour face. "YOU BLOOD TRAITOR! YOU BETRAYED YOUR FAMILY JUST FOR AN IDIOTIC LITTLE GIRL."

"You will not hurt her." Mattheo said simply as if that settled the matter. He thought he still had some amount of control over them but he was wrong. The bar was almost empty by now, Sirius and Remus were still fighting off 4 at once whereas others lay on the ground, either dead or seriously injured.

"Y/N! RUN!" Sirius screamed as he saw where she was standing, but the words didn't seem to be able to reach her ears. She still stood there as Bellatrix looked towards her cousin. She made a soft 'oh' sound before all the deatheaters started flying, a black smoke filled the room. Sirius, Remus, Y/N and Mattheo swatted at the fog as they felt someone grip their shoulders. Y/N crouched down on the floor, protecting her stomach as she waited for it all to clear up. Once the darkness had vanished, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around in horror as she saw Sirius and Remus on the ground, being held down by deatheaters. She flipped her head to see Mattheo in the same position, his nose was bleeding and the deatheater restraining him was holding a knife to his throat.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Y/N screamed at bellatrix who was simply standing in front of her, curling her hair around her finger. "You come with us or they all will die." She said simply, giving Y/N an ultimatum.

She looked around with tears in her eyes as the shouts of her family filled her ears telling her to leave, but how could she? How could she run now and then live the rest of her life knowing that her family is dead because of her. She couldn't live with that kind of a burden on her shoulders. She loved them all too much to let them go.

As these thoughts rang through Y/N mind, bellatrix was starting to lose patience. "Tick, tok, tick, tok, tick, tok....." She started repeating softly, pulling Y/N out of her mind and back to reality.

"Fine, I'll come with you. ONLY if you let them go right in front of my eyes." Y/N said. Bellatrix nodded before the deatheaters promptly dropped everyone to the ground. "Go, now." Y/N said. They all looked at her with a sad expression. Mattheo tried to lunge at Y/N and disparate with her but he was backed down again as a Cruciatus curse hit his back. "NO!" Y/N screamed as she ran towards him, he writhed on the ground in pain as she held him in her arms. His back bled as his screams filled the room before the curse was lifted. She brought her hand up to his face and cupped it with her palm. "I'll be okay." Y/N said softly with tears in her eyes. "I can't lose you too" Mattheo whispered weakly. Those words felt like a thousand knives had been thrust into her heart. "We will be okay." She whispered back looking down on her stomach before being pulled away from him by Bellatrix. Her family reluctantly linked their arms as Mattheo gave her one last look before they apparated away and the small tear that was threatening to spill out, fell onto the floor where only moments ago they sat in harmony.

============End of part 25============

Hi loves!

I hope you liked this chapter, we are advancing into the final stage of this book. There are still many a things that are unwritten but all I can say is its moving towards the finale.




Word count : 1455

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